Summer Barbecue (Texcali)

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It was nearing July and that means the fourth of July Barbeque potluck was right around the corner. Texas was excited, it was a great party every year. Lasts all day and sometimes longer


Tex arrived on the morning of the fourth with two homemade dishes. There was going to be a lot of food, since multiple states tend to bring their barbeque and a side. Because for some reason they each think their barbeque is the best even though Texas knew his was the actual best.

He had quite a bit of time before California would show up, he tended to be late. But that and the fact that this would be the first real event as a couple could wait. He was having fun at the party the same way he did every other year, literally nothing had changed and it was great.

Just as expected Cali arrived way after the start with something containing avocado. They each continued with their respective groups for a little. Once they'd all had a little time to settle to the party Texas wanted to go hang out with his partner. He walk over to California, "Wanna dance?" he gave a smile. "Of course" was the immediate reply.

"How're you liking the barbecue?" He asked, clearly having something behind the question.

California gave a slight head tilt. "It's fine?" He answered.

"Thought you wouldn't like it" He continued "Aren't you supposed to be a little upset, as a vegetarian."

"I'm not upset everytime someone else eats meat." he replied, a little upset but at the same time it was kinda nice that he was thinking about that even here."You already know that"

"You just seem the get mad at a lot"

"No I don't" that was technically true and he didn't really mind it being pointed out, but still.

"You're cute when argue" He gave a smile at Cali's slight irritation. Giving away what he was doing.

"Oh shut up" he rolled his eyes, smiling.

It was nice to not have to hide. Quite a few people still had things to say about it. Even now, but most of the negative things were already. Louisiana made a joking comment about technically being the reason they're still together.

"Well yeah, but only because you broke into my house" Cali said, slightly confused.

"I didn't" he replied with fake offense "I didn't break anything"

The day was lighthearted. Eventually it was about to be sunset and fireworks were starting. Some people brought their own fireworks. Louisiana had the show fireworks. Also there were of course sparkles. So a lot was going on.

All of them were outside by the time it was dark. California used refused to use the sparklers because fire hazard and at first stood very far away to watch.

Texas took his truck a little bit up the road. He and Cali sat on the open truck bed and watched the show. He leaned against Texas as several different fireworks went of at each moment. And the kissed with the flickering lights of the show cast on their faces. They sat together as the light show continued well past midnight.

It ended up being a good decision to sit a little further away because Florida did up up setting a small fire.

(Word count: 600)
Snow's note: sorry it's short but I think it's a nice conclusion. Happy 4th

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