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When Quackity left his appartment this morning he found a little box on the floor in front of his door.
A present from the world, it said in, what clearly was, Wills handwriting.

He picked it up, untied the little bow and took off the lid. A little pocket watch looked at him, front carved with his signature smiley face and a deck of cards tangling between flowers. It was the same rose gold color of the necklace Will had given to him and it was absolutely gorgeous.

Carefully he took it from the box, had a note fall out of it. He picked it up.
Maybe you can give me the time to apologize in person? I'll be on the sign all day, if you want to tell me what I did wrong

Quackity hesitated, ran his thumb over the paper and then groaned. "I'm gonna regret this", he said and put everything down, before making his way down.
His steps got faster the closer he came to the sign and when he finally arrived, he rounded the corner and ran right into Wills arms. "Hey there", the brunette said with a smile, before returning to a rather serious manner, "Listen, I didn't mean to hu-" "No, no you listen", Quackity said, out of breath, "You didn't do anything wrong"

Will looked at him confused. "Then why did you tell me to leave? I thought I hurt you, that I did something so wrong that you would never wanna talk to me again"
Quackity cupped his face with his hands, made Will look at him. "I promise you didn't hurt me, it's just-", a water drop fell on his face, then another one and then it started pouring. Quickly Will took off his coat, held it over their heads. "You were saying?"

Quackity looked at him, stepped even closer and then he said: "I have issues trusting people and when- when I woke up in your arms I was so sure you it all felt too good to be true" "So I didn't hurt you?", Will asked, hope dripping from his voice.
"No, you didn't", Quackity replied, hands trembling, "It was quite the opposite"
"Tell me about it?", Will asked and smiled, seemed hopelessly in love with how he looked at Q.

The rain drenched Wills coat above their heads, made it heavy to hold up.
"Since you try to make me fall in love with the world outside of Las Nevadas, you make me fall in love with you.", Quackity confessed, "But I'm so afraid that this all is actually too good to be true, that you'll realize that I'm not worthy of your love and that I don't deserve someone who cares"

Will dropped the coat, instead used both hands to hold Quackitys cheeks.
"Quackity, darling, you are worthy of all the love in the world and all those people that couldn't appreciate you, they are the ones not deserving of you. I love you, I truly do, I promise", he pushed a few loose strands of hair out of Q's face, leaned so close the tips of their noses touched, "You're the most gorgeous, smart and funny person I've ever had the luck to meet. I know we're supposed to be rivals, but I can't keep that facade up when my heart aches for you like this."

Quackity felt tears swelling up in his eyes.
"Really?" "Yes, darling, I would burn the world to the ground, just so it couldn't hurt you anymore."

"You're already burning me", Q whispered, trembling, "And at the same time you make me freeze to death, because I'm so afraid you'll hurt me too."

Raindrops fell from Wills hair onto Q's cheeks.
Gently Will traced his thumb over Quackitys quivering lips. "I'm sorry", he whispered, not knowing what else to reply, "I'm sorry"

"Don't be ridiculous", Quackity whispered, placing his hands on Wills shoulders, "This is the best I've felt in my whole life"
"Burning and freezing to death, was the best yet?", Will asked and Quackity looked at his lips. "No, there's a better one"
Will placed his hands on Q's waist, saw how Quackitys eyes filled with tears again. "Mind telling me?", Will asked quietly and Q sobbed, whispered: "You already know"

Will wiped away the tears, asked: "What does it feel like?" "It feels like... like I'm loved", Q whispered, "And if you don't fucking do it right now, I'm gonna fall apart"

Quickly Will pressed their lips together, felt how Q's fingers threaded through his wet hair. And for Quackity the kiss felt like an escape, an escape from everything that hurt him, it was just him and Will and this one kiss in the middle of the desert that made his mind put the world on mute.

"Don't stop yet", Quackity begged, as Will pulled away, "Feels so good"
Gently the brunette tilted his head and leaned in again, meeting Q's lips halfway.
Soft and careful.
Quackity got on his tippy toes, hands still in Wills hair.
He licked over Wills bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, leaning further into the kiss.

"Darling, you're shaking", Will said, pulling away a little, "God, your lips are turning blue, come here I'll get you inside."
He picked him up, carried him towards the needle. "Are you feeling okay?", Will asked and Quackity nuzzled up against his neck.
"Yeah, actually I'm feeling pretty good"
Will smiled. "Okay, but now we'll get you wrapped up in a warm blanket"

They stepped into the needle, went up with the elevator and in Quackitys apartment Will quickly got him out of the wet clothes and wrapped in a warm fluffy blanket.
He kissed his head. "Your lips already get back their normal colour. Do you need anything?" "Yeah", Q replied, a smile tugging on his lips, "I need you"

Wills heart fluttered, soft giggle leaving his lips. "Okay", he said and sat down next to Quackity, kissing his cheek, "I can arrange that" "Promise me, that you won't leave", Q mumbled, slowly reaching for Wills hand.
"I promise", he intertwined their fingers, kissed the back of Quackitys hand.

Q's wings fluttered and a faint blush spread on his cheeks. "I'll try to trust you", he said.
Will smiled and then replied: "Take your time, I know it's not easy for you. I'll be here and I'll go the way with you."

Quackity teared up, smiled and reached for Wilbur's cheeks, pulling him into a short kiss.
"Thank you." "Don't worry about it, darling"

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