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"Good morning!", Wilbur said loudly, as he walked up behind Quackity, who carried his dressing shirt that came fresh from the wash house.

"Don't even try", Quackity replied, walking quicker. Distance quickly closed by Wilbur, catching back up. "But I've got something for you.", the tall brunette replied, with a little pout, that quickly evolved to a smile.

He reached into his pocket. "Another beautiful thing from the world.", he said, taking Quackitys free hand, to put a flower in it, made from copper, "It's gonna do magic"
"It's gonna oxidize" "The worlds magic", Wilbur corrected him, "It's gorgeous"

Q felt Will looking at him, felt his hand on his shoulder. "Just give it time, pretty", he said and Quackity pushed him away. "Don't call me pretty"
Will gently nudged his chin up, gave him a charming smile, when he saw Quackitys eyes widen. "But you are", he said, "Pretty like the world."

Q looked down, felt the heat creeping up on his cheeks. "Stop" "I'm sorry." "It's- You know what? Nevermind."
He quickly made his way over the main road, past the fountain, leaving Wilbur once more.

On his way back to his appartment he spinned the copper flower slowly between his fingers, getting a look at it from all sides.
It truly was a masterpiece, carefully crafted, looking deceivingly real.
The corners of the pedals had already started to oxidize and gave a turquoise contrast to the copper brown.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.
He hung the fresh dressing shirts on the doorframe of his office, sat down in the chair. He looked at the copper flower, mindlessly started fumbling with the diamond star around his neck.
He shouldn't think about this so hard.
About seeing the world with Will.

He was in Las Nevadas and he was happy here... Right? He had everything he needed to survive, the power over the nation and he was in control.
That was all he ever wanted to be happy, wasn't it? Yes. Yes! Yes, it was! What was he even thinking? Of course it was!
Why would he need to see the world with someone like Will? With someone who... cared. No. No, with someone who tried to make Las Nevadas weak, by taking its leader.

Quackity placed the copper rose in a drawer of his desk, locked it quickly.
He had enough of this nonsense.

diamond, copper and other pretty things || tnt duo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now