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When Quackity woke up this morning Will was still next to him, warm body touching his. He cuddled closer, against the warm chest and just for a moment he let this feeling of belonging linger in his mind and heart.

He didn't want to leave Wills arms, neither did he want to have the talk with him about what happened last night.
Will had showered him in pet names and affection, had treated his body with all the care in the world and had proven that he really liked him, with how careful and gentle he was, listening and granting Q's every wish.

Quackity was sure this was what actual love felt like, but he wasn't ready for it. Wasn't ready to just trust Will and hope for the best. Not after Eret, not after Schlatt, not after Sapnap and Karl.
He didn't want to trust, fall in to deep and then get his already broken heart shattered into a million more little pieces.

It was always like that, every relationship ended in his heart being broken, shattered into a million pieces, that he desperately tried to put back together, before handing it to the next person that promised him love, only to be disappointed when they dropped it and made his pain even worse.
Will wouldn't be any different. He couldn't be.

He sighed, took a last moment to savor this feeling, before he carefully got out of bed.
He picked up his clothes and went over into his office to change.
Then he got Wills now dry clothes from around the fire place, folded them and wrote a note.
I want you out by 11.

He placed the clothes and the note on the bed, before he put on his shoes, took his keys and left for his daily walk through Las Nevadas and an appointment with Sam to talk about a new building project to expand the nation.

With the door falling shut behind him, Will woke up. He tried to pull Quackity closer only to see that there was a pillow in his place. Will sighed, let got and sat on the edge of the bed.

He starred out of the big windows, ran his hand through his hair and as he looked to the side he noticed the pile of clothes and the note on top. He reached over, took the note and his heart cracked a little when he read the message.
Will sighed, ran his fingers through his messy hair, reading the note again.
"Fuck", he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose, before dropping the note on the bedside table, "I hurt him, fuck"

He did something wrong, he hurt Quackity and fucked up so bad he doesn't even want to see him anymore.
Guild ran through his body like a shiver and he asked himself where he went wrong.
Was it when he touched him? Or was the kiss enough? Was it confessing all together?
Quickly he searched for a pen, finally found one in the other room and wrote I'm sorry that I hurt you, I promise I didn't mean to.

Then he got fully dressed and while buttoning up his dressing shirt he looked at his sweater. He left it on the bed, added an I don't know if this is too much, but when you need to feel loved, the sweater is yours, to the note and left it on top of the sweater.

Then he looked at the alarm clock on Quackitys bedside table. 10:47am.
He tugged his collar to sit right and then left.

Thirteen and a half minutes later Quackity came back. Slowly peeked into the bedroom, seeing Wills sweater, but no Will.
A little confused he walked up to the bed, took the note first, then the sweater.
Unconsciously he pulled the shirt close to his chest while reading the note, suddenly felt guilty for making Will feel like he did something wrong.
Quackity was pretty sure Will couldn't have messed up even if he wanted to, he had been so kind and gentle, so sweet and careful and never had Q felt that admired before in his life. And for Will to think anything else felt like a crime.

He put the note aside, looked at the sweater, then looked around in the room as if to make sure no one would see him, before bringing the sweater up to his nose and allowing himself to find comfort in Wills scent.

Sweet wine, a hint of marlboro cigarettes and something that he couldn't describe as anything, but pure Will.
He sighed into the fabric, memories of last night flashing in front of closed eyes.
Pictures of Will taking off his shirt, touching bare skin, painting him with red, passionate kisses, whispering all sorts of wonderful things in his ear.
And then suddenly it knocked on the door.
Q jumped, blushed heavily when he realized his daydreaming and left the sweater on the bed before walking to the door.

"Will of Las Nevadas send you these!", it came from Charlie who was fully blocked from Quackitys sight by a huge bouquet of flowers. "Las Nevadas?", Q asked, taking the flowers from Charlie. "He seems to like it here!" "Oh", Quackity blushed, could feel a smile tug on his lips, "Okay"
"I'll see you around!", Charlie said and skipped away towards the elevators.

Quackitys heart started pounding in his chest and with a smile he looked at the flowers. Soon he saw a little note in it.
He picked it up, opened it and started reading as he walked to the cabinet in which he kept a few vases.

I know I already said it in the other note, but I'm so sorry. I'm not quite sure where I went wrong, but I wanna do better. Whatever it is, you can tell me and I promise I can do better.
The white peonies in the bouquet mean 'I messed up' and I'm pretty sure that's what I did and I'm really, really sorry.

Quackity placed the flowers in a vase, then read over the note again. God, he messed up. Will, the one person in his life that genuinely wanted to help him build up trust again and that seemed to actually love him and of course he messed it up.
He should be the one sending white peonies and not the other way around.

He held the note to his lips, closed his eyes.
He could feel his heart yearning for Will.
How did the brunette manage to make him fall this quickly?

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