Chapter 3- Interview time

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So this is another filler chapter, but things will start happening next chapter! please vote and comment! If your friends have a Wattpad too, please tell them about this story! It would mean soo much to me!

“Liam, hurry up!” Danielle yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“I’m trying! Go start the car, I’ll be down in five minutes at the most,” he yelled back from the bathroom upstairs.

The boys have an interview today at a magazine to discuss the Take Me Home World Tour that begins in two days. All of the boys are very stressed out, but excited none the less.

 Louis now has an extra thing to worry about with picking out a wedding date and picking out a venue. They had agreed not to start the extreme wedding planning yet like dress shopping, decorations, bridesmaids’ dresses, and things like that, but they did want the major thing finished before his schedule got crazy with the tour.

Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall were more stressed with the tour, considering none of them were engaged. The final rehearsal before they had their first show was tonight and with the big interview today, they were really worried of what the interviewer was going to ask. They hadn’t been to an interview in a while so they knew that a lot of hate would be sent to Kayleigh and Savannah after this being that all of the members had girlfriends now. They also knew that the two main topics would be the engagement and the tour.

Louis didn’t want the public to know about the engagement just yet, but he and Eleanor didn’t realize that the paparazzi could see the ring.

Danielle and the rest of the girls were going to the interview today because they wanted to support the boys and try and lower their stress level.

Liam finally joined Danielle in the car and quickly, but carefully pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. After about a ten minute drive, they pulled into the parking lot of the office building and headed inside.

They went straight to the elevator after signing in at the front desk and went up to the fourth floor. As usual, they were the first ones to arrive.

“Liam, I thought you said we had to be here at 8:30,” Danielle said as they sat down in the waiting room.

“I did,” he answered.

“Its 8:50 and no one else is here,” she pointed out.

“Well since we haven’t been on time for anything lately, I figured we say a half hour early so we’d be here ten minutes before,” he explained. Danielle laughed, seeing his point.

Soon enough, they were joined by Harry and Savannah followed by Niall, Zayn and Perrie, followed by Louis and Eleanor.

“Where’s Kayleigh?” Liam asked.

“She lives in New York… I wasn’t going to make her fly all the way over here just for a half hour and send her home. I’m planning on leaving a day early to go to New York and then I’ll meet you guys at the hotel,” Niall explained as they followed an assistant into the office where they were being interviewed.

“Hi boys, welcome, sit anywhere you like. I’m Bobby and I’ll be interviewing you today. At the end of the interview, if you don’t mind, please fill out an evaluation of how I did. You see, I’m an intern here and if this interview and the one I have later this afternoon go well, I could get a promotion, but e honest of how I did please,” he spoke quickly and sharply like he was some important CEO. He had confidence and charisma, surprising he was only an intern.

 “This is my girlfriend Savannah,” Harry introduced, stopping the awkward silence that filled the room.

“This is Danielle, my girlfriend,” Liam followed.

“This is Perrie, my girlfriend,” Zayn said as well.

“This is Eleanor. My fiancée,” Louis said, making Bobby’s face light up.

“Nice to meet you all,” he started, “now Niall, are you the only single one?”

“No, I have a girlfriend too. Her name is Kayleigh, but she lives in America so she couldn’t make it today,” he explained.

“Oh, I see. Where in America does she live? How did you meet her?” he asked, taking notes while recording with his laptop.

“New York. I met her a little while back, like in the end of November. She’s one of Savannah’s friends from back home and while she came to visit, we hit it off from there,” he explained, not going too far into depth. Niall was good like that.

“Well congradulations on that. Now Louis, I noticed you had said fiancée… When did you purpose?” Bobby asked, turning the attention on to the engagement.

“Exactly a week ago, I know that I’m only twenty one, but with the tour coming up, I wanted her to know that I’ll always be with her and I don’t see a point in waiting much longer anyway,” Louis explained, trying to prevent a follow up question.

“How much was the ring?” he asked, staring at the giant rock on Eleanor’s finger.

“That is not something you need to know,” Louis said, annoyed.

“Okay, I’m happy for you both. So let’s talk about the world tour. You guys leave very very soon, are you nervous?”

“Well I think we are all more stressed than nervous, but the stress comes from the nerves. We’re not as nervous as we were when we started our Up All Night Tour, mainly because we had never really done anything more than the X-Factor Tour, but that wasn’t really focused on us,” Harry answered.

“Yeah, we are nervous, but now we have more of an idea of what to expect and how our fans are. It is going to be different now that we are a bit larger than we were a year ago, so we don’t think that we will be able to walk around the city before the shows without creating a scene, so that’s something we have to get used to,” Zayn added.

“Yeah, you boys are definitely a lot more famous than last year. What can your fans expect?”

“Well we can’t give much away, but we can tell you it’ll be different than our last tour. We still want to have fun and interact with the fans though,” Liam spoke.

“Well that sounds exciting. Who will be opening up for you on the tour?”

“A group called 5 Seconds of Summer,” Louis smiled.

“They aren’t very popular yet, so that’s a great opportunity for them to start, what do you think of them?”

“They’re cool guys, very nice, good music,” Harry said.

“Girls, how do you feel about the boys leaving?”

“Well, I’m excited for them, but I’m definitely going to miss Liam around the house. It’ll be hard not seeing him every day, but we made it through it last time, so I’m sure we can do it again,” Danielle answered confidently.

“It’s going to be hard because not only are my friends Niall, Liam, and Louis leaving me, but my brother and my boyfriend. It’ll be weird because I just moved out of Zayn’s house so I’ll be completely on my own,” Savannah said.

The interview continued on for a little while longer. Typical interview, nothing special or out of the ordinary. They all went out to lunch at Nandos, just for Niall, then went their separate ways and enjoyed one of their final days together.

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