Chapter 4- Kick Off

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hey guys! PLEASE READ THIS! okay so i really want to get some more feedback so i know what you guys like and dislike, im open to suggestions so comment away! please share this with your friends, vote and enjoy :)

Savannah really wanted to take some of the stress off of Harry so she thought of the best way to do that.

She was originally going to have his family over for dinner, but they came over last night, so she set up a nice romantic dinner for the two of them. It was special for Savannah too, she had just moved in with Harry and he was leaving before they could even adjust to living together.

He came home and when he saw Savannah and the dinner she had set up, he had a giant grin on his face.

“What is all this?” he asked, giving her a kiss.

“I wanted to do something special for you before you left and I thought it could get your mind off things,” she smiled.

“Well thank you,” he grinned cheekily as he sat down at the table.

There was a red table cloth covering the table with a few pink and red rose petals scattered over the middle where the two candles were lit. The lights were dimmed, creating a perfect dinner scene.

They ate the dinner and talked about the most random things throughout the meal.

“I’m really going to miss you,” Harry frowned.

“I’m going to miss you too,” she frowned back.

“Why don’t you just come with us?” Harry asked.

“We’ve already been over this, I can’t Harry,” she looked into his green eyes and saw disappointment.

“Why though? I mean you don’t have a job yet and you don’t have school this year, you have nothing holding you back,” he argued.

“Trust me, I want to, but I need to stay here and keep up with the bills and actually I got offered a modeling job for a new clothing company. They asked me because they want a female, but they want to reach the teens most popular celebrities, so they thought of me since my brother and boyfriend are in One Direction,” Savannah explained.

“That’s amazing!” Harry smiled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well I was planning to, I found out last night so it hadn’t really come up until now, sorry,” she laughed.

“It’s fine! I’m happy for you,” he smiled.

“Thanks, plus maybe if it goes well I can convince my mom not to make me go to college,” she said.

The conversation continued for a little while longer before things got steamy; what started off as just a kiss turned into a make out session. Harry carried Savannah upstairs, not losing contact once and he laid her down on the bed.


The day of the first concert had finally arrived and so far, the day was going by so fast. It felt like everyone had just woken up and eaten breakfast, but now they were on their way to the venue to begin a quick run through before they got ready with Lou, their stylist.

After they had finished getting ready, the boys had a few free minutes to talk with the girls and their families before the meet and greet and sound check. Everyone wished them good luck and chatted.

Lottie and Eleanor were talking about ideas for the theme of the wedding, it was early to start thinking about, but they were both very excited. Now they weren’t talking about extravagant themes like a masquerade or an under the sea wedding, but something more simple like a color scheme and something unique for the centerpieces and décor.

Soon, the boys were taken into a special room for the meet and greets, leaving everyone else to do whatever they wanted. Meet and greets usually took a few minutes, but all together it was a good hour. The girls decided on doing something a little fun while the boys’ families went out to eat.

They grabbed some One Direction merchandise, glow sticks, hats, and sunglasses and dressed up like some of the extreme fans. They snuck out of the venue and walked around outside where the fans were waiting to be let into the venue.

They talked to some fans, most were very nice, but some of the girls were just plain rude. One girl told them that they would never have a chance with the boys, and when they took off their disguises, she was apologizing a hundred times a minute.

After taking pictures with the fans that recognized them, they went back inside to see the boys before they started sound check.

 “Now let’s just hope we can get to the boys before sound check starts,” Eleanor said as they walked through the hallways to get backstage.

“Why?” Savannah asked.

“Once sound check starts, they are making sure everything is working while they interact with the fans and then after that, they start letting fans into the arena so everything is very hectic in making sure they get on that stage in time,” Perrie explained.

“I just remembered! This is your first One Direction concert as a girlfriend!” Danielle squealed.

“Well, just first One Direction concert in general,” Savannah corrected.

“Oh that’s right! You weren’t a directioner before this,” Eleanor remembered.

“I’m still not a directioner, but…” Savannah laughed.

Luckily, they caught the boys just in time to say good luck, just in case they didn’t get to see them before the actual concert.

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