Chapter 14- Packing up.

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I woke up from the sun shining through my window. I slowly opened my eyes, and sighed. Even though I knew Harry wouldn’t be there when I woke up every day for at least another seven month, I still got sad every time I opened my eyes.

I rolled over to face my bedside table to check my phone. I had a few missed calls from the agency that I was modeling for.

I decided to call them back now. I waited as the phone rang.

“Hello, Savannah?” my agent, Nancy answered.

“Hi Nancy, why’d you call?” I asked, getting straight to the point. I was too tired for small talk.

“Well a little birdie told me a few things about you that I wanted to ask you about,” she spoke.

“Oh, what did you hear?” I asked.

“That you’re pregnant and engaged,” she said.

“Yes, both of those things are true. I was planning to tell you when I came in tomorrow for our meeting about which photos were going in,” I explained.

She sighed, “Well I’m very happy for you, but unfortunately, we can’t do many more photo shoots with you because of your growing stomach. However, I would love to do a photo shoot showing off your new ring, if that’s something you’d be interested in.”

“Of course, just let me know when and I’ll be there. Since we can’t do many more shoots, does that mean I’ll be able to go to America with Harry?” I asked.

“That’s up to you. Personally, I wouldn’t for too long because it’s going to be very difficult with that pregnant belly of yours, but you are definitely aloud to,” she said.

“Okay, and one more thing, would you do a maternity shoot with Harry and I once we hit the third trimester?” I asked.

“Of course, well, it was great talking to you, but I have work that needs to be done, I’ll email you the details later, goodbye,” she said before hanging up.

I immediately called Harry and told him. He told me that he wanted me to meet up with him and the rest of the boys when they got to Miami. They were leaving for Miami next week, which meant I should probably start packing and preparing the house.

I called up Gemma to come over and help me, my back was really sore from the pregnancy so she was coming over to help me pack.

It had been really long since I had seen her, and we haven’t really had the chance to bond, but I wanted to really try since we were going to be sister-in-laws.

When she arrived, we sat down in the kitchen for some lunch, and we caught up on everything that had happened since Louis and Eleanor’s engagement party.

“So anyway, congratulations on the engagement,” she smiled.

I smiled back, “Thanks Gemma. So, how’s your love life going?”

“Actually, I met a guy recently, and we’ve only been out together a few times, but he’s so fit,” she spilled.

“Do you have a picture?” I laughed.

She nodded and went through her phone for a minute and handed it to me. She was right, he was definitely fit. Looked sort of like a stereotypical California surfer guy in a magazine. They would be absolutely adorable together.

“Very fit,” I agreed.

She blushed and laughed. “I find your accent to be absolutely adorable. It’s slowly becoming more and more thick.”

“Funny you say that, my mum said that too, but that was a while ago- Oh my! I forgot to tell my mom and Aunt Lily!” I gasped.

“Okay, forget the packing for now, you have another week, let’s go,” she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

Before I knew it, we were at my mum’s front door.

“Hi Savannah, nice to see you, and you too Gemma,” she greeted as she opened the door.

“Hi mum,” I hugged her. “So I have some news!”

“Come on in girls!” she smiled.

We followed her into the living room and sat down on the couches.

“So what’s the news?” she asked, intrigued.

“Well it completely slipped my mind to tell you, and I apologize for the delay since it’s been a few days, but… I’m engaged to Harry,” I told her nervously as I showed her the ring.

“Savannah! Congrats darling! The ring is beautiful,” she smiled as her eyes began to water.

“Mum, don’t cry!” I stood up and pulled her into a hug.

“I can’t help it, you’re my eldest daughter and you’re getting married,” she sniffled.

“There’s more, as you may have noticed,” I said, signaling to my stomach.

“Finally, I saw the rumors in the paper, but I didn’t know if it was true, I thought you were just getting a bit pudgy!” she laughed. “Well congratulations on that too! Do you know the gender yet?”

“No, I’m going to meet up with the boys in America and go to the doctor there so Harry can be there too,” I explained.

“Call me as soon as you know!” she smiled.

“I will,” I stated. We talked for a few more minutes, and called Aunt Lily together to tell her the news as well. She was very happy for me and wanted to come over tomorrow to see me. Even though she was my aunt, she was more like my mother than mum ever will be, not that I like her better, but she’s the woman who raised me.

Gemma and I went back to start packing, and within a few hours, everything was packed. She stayed over for dinner, and I thanked her before she headed home.

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