Chapter 5- You Did What?!

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PLEASE READ!!!!!!! okay so i feel like no one is reading because I'm not getting any comments or votes on this so im gunna have to put a goal on it, obviously gunna be small but please share this book with your followers i will dedicate a chapter to you you have no idea how much it would mean to me!

The concert was perfect. The boys were so happy to be back on stage, the crowd was wild, and everything went perfectly. To celebrate the new tour starting off well, Harry invited everyone over for a movie night in his and Savannah’s new hot tub.

Harry had bought a small screen and a water proof DVD projector so that you would be able to watch a movie without getting out of the hot tub.

Everyone had agreed on Pitch Perfect. It was funny and just a great movie. Even though during the movie everyone was laughing and having fun, everyone was sad. They knew that this would be their last night being together for a while.

Yeah, the girls were going to one or two concerts in the US, but they were going to be away from their boyfriends for a while. They all were pretending to be happy for the sake of everyone else. No one wanted their last night together to be filled with tears, but it was bound to happen at some point.

Once the water started to cool down, everyone grabbed a towel and sat around the fire pit on the patio furniture. Louis and Eleanor shared the love seat, Harry, Savannah, and Niall took the swinging couch, and Perrie, Danielle, Zayn, and Liam sat on two of the lounge chairs.

“It’s the times like these,” Perrie paused, “that I’m really going to miss.”

“Agreed,” Louis spoke.

“Well at least Niall will get to see Kayleigh a little bit,” Danielle said, trying to think of anything positive.

“Can’t wait, but I’ll only see her for like six days out of the whole tour,” Niall pouted.

“Hey! We only get to our girls for four!” Zayn argued playfully.

“Speaking of Kayleigh, she’s calling right now!” Savannah interrupted Zayn and Niall’s little ‘fight’.

After saying hello, Kayleigh asked Savannah if she could go somewhere more private because she had to talk to her.

“Okay, Kayleigh, I’m alone,” Savannah told her once she was inside, although she could see everyone watching her from the glass door.

“Okay, well… I did something bad, like really bad!” Kayleigh yelled.

“What did you do?” Savannah asked nervously.

“Well… um it was Sam’s birthday last night and we went out to her favorite club to party and stuff…” Kayleigh faded out.

“So? And how did you even get into the club in the first place?” she asked, not really seeing the problem.

“Fake IDs, I mean we are almost nineteen, we can pull it off…” Kayleigh laughed.

“Okay, I’m not seeing the problem, you’ve done that before,” Savannah said confused.

“That’s because I haven’t gotten that far yet! Don’t rush me, I don’t do well under pressure!” Kayleigh whined.

Savannah sighed loudly, “Kayleigh I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to change the subject. If you’re not going to tell me, then why did you call?”

“I am, I just really don’t know how to say it, so I’m just going to come out and say it,” she took a deep breath before continuing, “I had a little too much to drink and when I was going through all the pictures from last night, I saw that I kissed this other guy last night, I mean from the picture it didn’t look like a make out session, but I would never do that to Niall if I had control…”

“You did what?! Kayleigh, Niall trusts you! He is so excited to come and see you tomorrow, are you going to tell him?”

“Well that’s the thing. He obviously deserves to know, but I don’t want him to break up with me and I don’t want to ruin the tour for him! It was a mistake!” Kayleigh was crying now.

“Calm down, do you want me to talk to him for you? I really think it would be better if you told him, but I know you would never have the guts to do it,” Savannah whispered while rubbing her forehead.

“Please Savannah!” Kayleigh sniffled.

“Fine, but your gunna be on the phone, I want you to hear it, just don’t say anything!” Savannah commanded.

“Niall, can you come here for a sec?” Savannah nervously called him from the backyard.

  So the goal is 3 votes and 2 comments.. guys this is soo easy im begging!

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