Chapter 15- I'm in Miami Bitch

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Niall’s POV

The lads and I had just gotten on the plane to head to Florida. I was super excited because now the US leg of the tour was starting, which meant it was summer, and Kayleigh was going to meet us in Florida, and was staying with us until we left New York.

I hadn’t gotten the chance to see her since the beginning of the UK leg, so it’s been a long time. I was planning to ask her to move in with me, so we could see each other more often, but I wasn’t really expecting her to say yes, since she was going to back to college after the summer ended, and she’d have to move to the UK.

We fell asleep as soon as we got on the plane, hoping to avoid jetlag, but it didn’t really work. We were still exhausted when we arrived at the airport and it was almost morning.

I called Kayleigh, but it went straight to voicemail, she must be sleeping. Her plane landed a few hours before ours, so she had gotten to the hotel before us.

By the time we got our bags out of the van and onto luggage carts, Paul had all of our room keys ready. We basically had the entire floor booked between us, 5 Seconds of Summer, and all the crew members.

I opened the door to my room to find Kayleigh sleeping in the bed. I didn’t want to wake her, so I took a quick shower and got into bed next to her.

I was excited for the day to come, since Kayleigh and I could catch up, and she could finally meet 5SOS.

I only really got to sleep for a few hours and when I was woken up by my wake up call, I was exhausted.

Kayleigh and I ordered room service so we wouldn’t have to go down to the buffet and we could have some privacy. Even if the fans weren’t an issue, all of us usually ate together with the crew so we wouldn’t be able to really talk. We have a few days off before our first concert, so I was planning on spending today with just Kayleigh.

She had to visit her grandma tomorrow, so Harry and I are going to be going to the pool and hanging out with some fans.

Harry’s POV

I slept until three in the afternoon, but I was still jetlagged. I was woken up at nine, but I fell back asleep, seeing no purpose to wake up. We had nothing scheduled for the day and Savannah wasn’t flying in for another two days, so I would be spending the day doing nothing anyway. Of course, I probably will have a lot of trouble falling asleep tonight. I decided on heading down to the gym so I could tire myself out a little bit.

While I was working out, Lou texted me and asked me if I could babysit Lux for the day because she had to run out with Tom for a little date and some shopping.

Of course, I told her I could. I loved Lux more than anything, and watching her always made me really excited to have a child of my own, which I now am.

I took a quick shower and went across the hall to Lou’s room to get Lux. After having a quick chat with Tom and Lou, I brought Lux back to my room.

I told her all about how I was going to have a baby of my own, and how she was going to have a little friend to travel with. “So, do you want it to be a girl or a boy?” I asked.

“Girl,” she giggled, “because she could be like my little sister.”

I smiled and said, “Yeah, me too.”

“Where’s Sav?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. She couldn’t pronounce Savannah yet, so she just called her Sav. I texted Savannah to go on Skype so Lux could see her for a little bit while I ordered some dinner for the both of us.

I was so nervous when I first brought Savannah over to Tom and Lou’s because I was so afraid Lux wouldn’t like her, but I was ecstatic when Lux wouldn’t leave her side.

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