Chapter Five/ Looking Left and Right

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You were standing in the middle of your room now. All you did since walking in was taking those few steps away from the door towards the middle of your beloved room. It was an evening, the sun was already setting. Yet it was so damn cold that Siberia would be jealous, or maybe it was just you.

You decided against taking a bath or showering. Sure, you didn't have a bath in days, but you didn't want to disturb your wounds, or more like, see them. What were you still doing in the middle of the room, standing, and thinking over taking a bath?

You sighed and walked to you bed before sitting down and reaching to your laptop. It was a (dark/light) colored one, (fav. color), your favorite. Turning it on, you went straight to (social media) and logged in. There, your message box was blowing up. Well, 5 messages was pretty much a lot, considering that you were a social butterfly; who never hang around one certain group of friends.

You scrolled down and read them all, responding to some of the usual 'lol check dis cat pic' and the 'party on Friday' messages. You spent nearly an hour on your laptop. Your (headphones were on/earbuds were in) as you were listening to music on YouTube. It was a special playlist you made long ago, yet you still over every song in it. You could have seemed relaxed and calm, but the knot inside your stomach didn't seem like it was going anywhere anytime soon.

The uneasiness and all the turns that you could feel inside of you weren't going away either.

It got to the point that you could take no more, as the next song that played was (fav. song), reminding you of the last time you listened to it. Which was on that one day you went out to get your little sister some sweets.

You took off your 'music set', and let the silence eat your ears away. Hell it was so quiet that you could hear the buzzing in your ears. It made you feel at peace. For a minute. For one little minute, you felt calm. It ended fast though as the terrible feeling of eyes watching you made you shiver. It felt like you were being watched from any possible corner in your room.

You didn't like that feeling at all; no no. You were so drawn into thought that when you heard your sister's voice yelling something about what she wanted for dinner, you immediately jumped up and rushed for the door.

You walked down the stairs, or more like ran down the straits and tried not to trip on your won to feet, and walked into the oh so familiar living room. Your sister was watching tv, yet now her eyes were glued to you.

"Is everything alright, (Y/N)..?"

Your sister's little voice broke the tension that was somehow building in the room.

You didn't even notice your mother's presence until she spoke up, saying your name with concern. You realized that you must have looked weird. Well duh, you pretty much flew down those stairs. Not to mention that you pretty much barged into the room like a soldier at war.

Your eyes widened when you heard the TV lady breaking the silence between the three of you. You didn't mind the old thing till now, it simply 'disappeared' in the background as you started at your mother, yet now you full attention was to it.

"We have a special news report for you folks... elderly man was killed on... .....the suspect is the infamous Kidney Thief... ....."

You heard only parts of what the news lady was saying. Her annoying voice seemed to drill into your head. This was a reminder of what you feared all along. As then you were just tense, yet now you knew exactly why. It doesn't don't feel any easier though. When the TV was turned off, you were quite shocked to see your reflection. No wonder your sister was so scared and your mother worried. Not only did you ran into the room like wolves were chasing you, but your appearance by itself scared them.

Your hair was all messy. You were slouching. And the worse part was the expression of your face. You looked scared.

It was now nighttime and you just couldn't fall asleep. May I say that it was mostly due to you scrolling down your browser. What were you doing? Looking up articles about the so called 'Kidney Thief'. You couldn't help it.

You had to find out about who he was or at least any information about him, something, anything. You didn't find a lot of new information. Most of the articles were filled with the same facts and/or theories on the motive and the killer themselves. You found out that much; The Kidney Thief didn't always kill people. The records showed that some civilians called the police, saying that they had now stitches on their back or stomach. After checking, the doctors found out that those people were missing one of their kidneys. It was marked as a phenomenon, a mystery. How or what happened was never figured out. Only now some young web users, such as yourself, connected two dots one to another and found the two.. happenings, to be somehow connected. Maybe the whole kidney thing, that's how.

You also found out that a small town in your (state/country) had the same 'issue' before. The town is near a forest, and always was peaceful and calm. Yet two years earlier, two people were killed there - missing their kidneys.

You shut down your laptop. Your eyes scanning the darkness around you.

From what you read, the killer must be either way a cannibal or a weird black market seller. But why did he take only kidneys? In both options, he could use all the; oh how uncomfortable it was thinking about it; meat from his victims, and eat or sell it. Yet he took only kidneys. Then it might be like s weird fetish. Could it?

You winced only thinking about it. But really now. You were home, safe, with your family and under the protection of your blanket. Whatever happened, happened. The killer would be caught soon; no one can murder and run from the police forever, that's for sure. You should be more optimistic. The stress and anxiety you felt were just an aftermath result of what happened. It will be over soon.

Besides, the Friday party that was going to take place in one of your classmates house seemed very inviting. You closed your eyes and lay your head down, slowly falling into deep sleep.

It was all going to be fine. If only you knew the truth though.

If Nothing Goes Right, Go Left/ Xreader / Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now