Chapter Six/ Lost

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<Just a little note: I was hoping to post this for so long. And I am honestly so sorry for not updating this. It's just that I lost interest in the whole plot-- BUT, now I'm back and I really want to make it up to you guys. So, you get this long chapter filled with your thoughts annnd honestly this is a filler chapter before the big thing. Wait till Halloween, I promise you, from then on things will be more interesting.
Also, from now on if there's an introduced female character, I'll be putting up two names. For example, (Katy/Maggie). That way if some reader's name is Katy, they can refer to the character as Maggie, and the other way around! Hope that wasn't too confusing..
Hope you like!>

The blonde lady gazed up into the eyes of her loved one, the man's face got closer to the woman's. And then, as the camera started slowly zooming out, your sister's voice broke out and the words 'EW', 'disgusting' and 'cooties' filled the room. Although you stayed silent, you didn't like the movie as well. I mean, the two met this morning and when the sun was going down they were ready to eat eachother's faces off. Ew.
You glanced at your mother with a disapproving look, or with the 'that's what you call parenting?' look. She just chuckled and ruffled your and your sister's hair before standing up and turning the TV off.

"Please don't tell me you actually liked the movie, mom.." You said as you followed your mother with your gaze, who went to the light switch and soon enough the room was bright as day again.
"Well it wasn't that bad.." She turned to look at you, a smile grazing her features.
Obviously, the demon by the name of (S/N) had to interfere and remind you of her existence. "Next time we're watching Frozen!"
Your eyes opened wide, "No!"
"Yes!" The devil stood her ground.
"No- Mom! I am NOT watching that movie again! She watches it every day..!" You retorted recalling your little sister sitting by the TV and watching that damn movie, then you catch her singing in the bathroom the same song over and over.. how happy you were that you didn't eat breakfast together; or else if you'd hear the demon sing in the morning as well you most likely would explode.
It's not like you hated the movie, (you just didn't like it that much/you liked it a lot actually), but your sister's obsession over it was very, very annoying. Sometimes you wondered if (S/N) was obsessing over it just to make you angry, if that's true, her plan is working pretty good.

"Girls girls.. lets come with a compromise, my college told me about that one movie-"
"Mom, no." You and (S/N) said in sync. "I think I had enough of those cheesy romance movies, for a life time." You said as your sister nodded her head with agreement.

Your mother shook her head, a small smile on her face as she went to the kitchen, your sister following behind, trying desperately to convince her that watching Frozen- again- together, was a good idea. You rolled your eyes before falling back onto the sofa. Your looked towards your TV, although the screen was black you could still make out your featured. You looked calm, your hair was let loose and you wore your favorite (fav/color) pajama.
You were finally getting over what happened a few days ago. Well, it's not like a lot happened, but the shock and the stress got to pretty bad and you spent your night under your blanket, feeling eyes burning your skin away. Yet now it was all over. You still felt uneasy but in a way, you got used to it, pushing it to the back of your head and focusing on other things.
Your mother went back to work after a few days of staying home with you. You were very thankful for her.

You didn't want to at first. The company made you feel uneasy, but being alone felt even worse, so you finally gave in and that night your little family of three settled down to a movie. You brought the most cozy blankets in your house while your sister got some fluffy pillows, your mother making (fav/snack) and some lemonade. It was quite hot today, so your mother allowed to close all the windows and turn the air conditioner on, only for the three of you to be able to snuggle on the sofa with the blankets.
The movie wasn't a blast, but the time spent together made the three of you feel pretty happy. You reminded yourself to thank the two of them-- yes, even the devil of a sister you had, for being there for you and trying to cheer you up as best as they could.

Perhaps-- your train of thought was shortly cut by your phone that let a short message sound. It was laying on the floor near the sofa, and you soon found yourself starring at the cracked screen (apparently it hit the pavement pretty hard when you threw it at your attacker)  and reading the message that you got.

1 News message from: (Katy/Maggie)
I think u know what I'm about to tell u, (Y/N)...
And we both know how fun those r ^^
YOU, ME, TOMORROW, 8 PM >:3 I'll pick u up."
Sent half an hour ago.

You blinked a few times, thinking about what to do. You usually don't go to parties or anything, but when (Katy/Maggie) invites you it's pretty much impossible to decline. Besides, if not her you'd probably be that one kid no one knows about. It's not like you were popular or anything, but those who were didn't mind your company or just, overall, your existence.
(Katy/Maggie) is the one who would drag you out of your room when you'd feel depressed, chat to you randomly when you're bored. You might not be bff's, but you were pretty close, and you were happy to have such a wonderful person as a friend.

Glancing back at your phone, you decided to give that little party a chance. There were no updates on the 'kidney thief', the police saying that he most likely moved on to another city. You were a bit sick of seeing the same walls all day, and you actually needed to relax for once and have some fun.

'Maybe... just maybe..' You thought as you stood up and went to the kitchen, you'd like to hear her opinion about this first.

Nope! This was a terrible idea!
Your mother, although very wary, agreed to let you go to the party. You smiled and listened to her telling you not to drink, asking you to be careful and return home before the next day comes, and when she was done you texted your friend back.. who didn't stop bugging you till now. It's been an hour women. An hour! Doesn't she have anything better to do?!
You closed your eyes awaiting another text, and when it finally came it was a 'goodnight' one. You thanked the lord and sent a quick goodnight back before you turned around in bed and closed your eyes yet again.

Eric, the one hosting the party is a popular kid from your class. He has an older brother who finished high-school but still lives under the same roof as his younger brother. Eric's brother is known for hosting the best parties that are far from innocent, they resembled the image of an university party in the basic American movie. It's not like you went to those! Oh no, of course not. It's just that each time one of the brothers threw a party, the other invited his friends as well. You remember as one time you guys just went to hang out around the city, but then everyone went to Eric's house and and his brother gave you all drinks... it was nice for once, to go free and feel wild. But once was enough. It wasn't that long ago though..

As you felt yourself getting lost in your thoughts, falling into the dark abyss of peace, your last thoughts before falling asleep were about the outfit you'll wear. Perhaps a (fav.color) dress would do? Yeah.. that'll be great..

Heh, what could possibly go wrong tomorrow? You're sure of it, I'll be perfect.

You smiled and fell asleep.

If Nothing Goes Right, Go Left/ Xreader / Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now