Chapter 20

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7Elizabeth's POV

"So, to clarify, during the walk, none of you observed or heard anything prior to stumbling upon the body," Detective Conan repeated for the fifth time.

"I affirm that is correct. Now, if you have concluded your inquiries, I must attend to my other responsibilities," I replied, rising from my seat.

"One last query, does your partner lead a religious sect?" he inquired. "Detective, I believe your duty is to perform your professional obligations rather than prying into private matters," I stated firmly.

"I apologize for my shallow assumption," he expressed as I exited the room. Outside, I joined the others who appeared lost in contemplation.

"I find it difficult to fathom the absurd notions these humans entertain," I remarked. "Can you imagine that they suspect us of running a cult?" I continued. Hearing this, Aaron began growling, proceeding towards the station once again. I quickly caught up to him and held his face gently in my hands.

"Aaron, please calm down. We must refrain from making impulsive decisions. As we are already under suspicion for this murder, we must exercise caution," I advised, planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes returned to their usual hue as he enveloped me in a tight embrace.

"Let us return home, my dear princess," he suggested, leading us towards the car. We all climbed in and started driving back to our lands. Gathering in the office, we brainstormed ways to enhance the pack's security. Our primary concern was understanding how this human had ended up here in the first place. The closest town is several miles away, and our pack is concealed deep within the woods, guarded by an enchanted barrier. Only a wolf can perceive it and possess the knowledge to gain entry.

A human would unknowingly wander amidst the vast trees, perceiving no end, ultimately retracing their steps. It is simply inconceivable...

Unless someone within the pack is responsible," the user mentioned.

"We are all aware of one thing, that Jackson is currently waging war against us. However, I fail to understand the connection between killing a human and his motives. What could he possibly gain from attempting to expose our existence to humans? It should be apparent to him that by doing so, he would also expose himself," I pondered aloud. The room fell into silence as my words sank in. "Jackson is planning world domination," I declared after thoughtful contemplation. Aaron, puzzled, asked, "World domination?"

"I believe it would make complete sense. I understand where Liz is coming from. Do you recall the old tale our parents shared with us? The Lycan king's failed attempt to conquer the world and enslave humans," Kayann inquired. "Indeed, he failed even before executing his initial plans," Casey added. "Jackson is likely to face a similar fate... Just think about it. What would he stand to gain by abandoning a human girl and alerting the authorities?" questioned Kayann. Aaron attempted to make sense of the situation, stating, "It is possible that he intends to expose us due to the approaching full moon."

"Considering the full moon is merely two days away, the police would still be actively investigating, searching for clues. Once we inevitably shift into wolves, they will witness our transformation," Casey pieced together. "This will prompt further investigation to determine if the human's death was truly caused by an animal attack," I added.

"Consequently, the entire pack would face scrutiny. We know for certain that nobody in our pack possesses a personal file at the police station. However, once they attempt to acquire our DNA and input it into their system, our secret will be exposed," I warned. The thought of our pack being in imminent danger overwhelmed me, and I felt weak and lightheaded before eventually losing consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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