Season 3: Chapter 1 - Rewind Game

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{ Ah.. Such a fresh and nice feeling... The feeling of happiness.. I can't believe i am finally reaching near the end of this book.. All i can say, is thank you for everyone that had read my story for all these months and almost a year. I won't ever, ever forget how much you have helped me to reach this thing.. And as the last time.. Warning: This series' chapters, dialogues, texts, narrations, pictures or illustrations may contain blood, gore, bad language and other things, so if ya have phobia, trigger, feel sick, feel uncomfortable or anything, i recommend you not

߷ — The Last Season's Beginning.. —߷

10 Years Ago.. In Leaves Kingdom, Canada..

Luigi's P.O.V

Today was so exciting for me.. My first day in vacation from the High School. My friends had went to do some parties to celebrate, but i decided to be on my own and just relax at the beautiful town that i love living at. I took some advantage for knowing the streets and everything and could get into the top of a building just to have a better vision of the glamourous and warming sunrise in plenty morning of the beautiful and kinda peaceful Canada..
It was better than having some buildings blocking the sun and not being able to see it fully. But still, i had to be careful since even yet is a peaceful country, it still has laws and police. But that wasn't a real problem, since i'm not hurting anyone, so to me, i like being in jail for some months and a year maximum since i don't mind having a little crime. I have a sense of freedom after all.

"Haha.. Such a great view up here! Glad that my brother can't reach here to get me back to the cell!"

 Such a great view up here! Glad that my brother can't reach here to get me back to the cell!"

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I always loved my life. Peaceful, good, had high grades in school, made some science experiments and had freedom to do some stuff that may be illegal but have small punishment and even financial prices and stuff are more moderated and balanced in here. Everything was great! I really loved and enjoyed every single day in this place and i don't regret living here, not now, and not ever. My life was the dream a Brazilian boy like me and my brother could ever think about turning into reality. Just a single normal life for me and my fsmily

Until... Something strange and scary happened...

Lucinia's P.O.V:

Silica City was the best place i ever could have in my life. Just, simply, video-games were everything to live in this city. Jobs, entertainment, everything that you could imagine. It was the best thing the world of young people and Gamers could dream turning into reality. I love Silica City, i really love it.

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