Same Body, New Look

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As Mysterion searched through town he was finding it hard to find the henchmen from before. The alleyways were emptier than before. The lack of henchmen probably meant that The Raccoon was done with his scheme, and that the heroes were too late. This wouldn't bother Mysterion so much if ThunderStorm wasn't lost, a part of him knew The Raccoon had something to do with his disappearance.

"Found a guy!" Human Kite yells. Mysterion quickly turned his head towards the voice and rushed over to the scene. He found ToolShed pinning one of The Raccoon's henchmen to the ground while Human Kite stood on the side watching. ToolShed has placed his hand gun to the side, in favor of using both of his hands. Mysterion slowly walked to the two. He paused as he met with the henchman that was held against the ground. He lowered his head down to look directly at the henchman, eventually squatting to meet them at eye level. The two stare, trying to intimidate the other, Mysterion sighs.

"Tell us what The Raccoon is planning and we'll let you go"

The minion scoffs "Haven't heard that line before, face it, I know nothing". Mysterion glares, before he can respond ToolShed lands a hard knee kick into the groin of the minion.

"FUCKING HELL MAN" Tears well up in his eyes, "THATS LOW!" ToolShed just rolls his eyes.

"You better hope that kick jogged your memory cuz your boss took some of my shit" Human Kite walks over, opting to be the good cop in this situation, he places a hand on ToolSheds shoulder.

"Three against one pal, plus is all this really worth protecting that fattass?"

"Big-boned!" The henchmen wheezed like an automatic response. Human Kite sighs, "Even his minions say it..." He looks and glares "C'mon what could he possibly have that's making you so determined in protecting him?"

"Maybe because I really do not know?! I've been ordered to keep you guys distracted." The three look at each other in confusion. "Keep us distracted?" The henchman groans. Mysterion stood up, opted to stand by Kite, feeling no need to haggle the guy for information any longer.

"Should we believe him?" ToolShed looked at the two, getting tired of keeping this guy pinned.

"It does make sense..." Mysterion shrugs and turns to Human Kite, "To steal something and then disappear... Then have his minions just show up... He must be doing something that requires uninterrupted work... Not to mention having to steal things from Stans shop." Kite brings his hand towards his face, thinking. "Plus the disappearance of ThunderStorm." He finally voiced his main concern. ToolShed glances at his partner, the henchman looks at him, hoping Human Kite's explanation got him off the hook.

"Well if that's true then the least you can do is lead us to where The Raccoon is, yeah?" Mysterion crosses his arm, glancing at the henchmen intensely. He needed this guy to decide quickly because who knows how much longer he could stand wondering where ThunderStorm was.

The minion groans, Toolshed twists his arm in response.

"Yes! Yes! I'll help! I swear! Just let me go!" Toolshed looks at the two other heroes,holding his position and awaiting approval

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"Yes! Yes! I'll help! I swear! Just let me go!" Toolshed looks at the two other heroes,holding his position and awaiting approval. They look at each other and nod. ToolShed untwists his arm but maintains a tight grip on his wrist, "Lead the way bud." The henchman sighs as he gets up and walks.

The four ended up at the edge of town, close to Jimbo's Guns. They were led into an odd alleyway. "This can't be the right place..." Kite mutters to himself. As they got closer Mysterion started to feel uneasy. Human Kite turns his eyes towards him, "You ok?" Mysterion furrows his brow, he feels an odd energy forming near them, "Something isn't right". ToolShed turns his head towards the two, holding a serious expression. Human Kite nodded as he started to feel the strange feeling as well. The henchman abruptly stopped, they all stood in silence. The henchmen looks back at them, giving a knowing smirk.

The silence was broken by the sound of a metal boot hitting Mysterion right in the face. He fell back with a loud thud, his nose trickling blood behind his mask. The two other heroes looked at Mysterion in shock. The metal boot belonged to a tall blond, helmet glistening against the moon light. None of the heroes could take their eyes off of him. The man that kicked Mysterion soon walked over and placed a firm boot against his abdomen.

"Well look what the cat dragged in!" The Raccoons' voice echoed, but the man standing over Mysterion wasn't The Raccoon. It was the very boy Mysterion lost, now with a new costume.

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