Life in Chaos part 1

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Chaos strolled throughout the town. He was much weaker now from all the chaos he has been bringing around town. He could sense a few reporters trailing him, but he didn't mind as it's not like they wanted to take him to the police yet, plus he did like the attention. He continues to walk with no purpose, he has no home, not one that he can recall other than the lonely place he once lived for 18 years. But he couldn't go back, he was kicked out.

In his trek he finds himself walking by that old house, he stops and turns to face it directly. He wants ever so bad to get his revenge, to set fire to that house and forget his past, but his body and brain screamed no. Even when he's a villain he's unable to defy his parents. This fact alone angered him so much that he produced enough electricity around him that he broke the cameras of the reporters that followed. He didn't care, he didn't care about anything in this town. He walks off from that rotten house

After some time strolling he ends up walking the same areas he had walked before. The reporters were no longer trailing him as they feared for their lives. Far away he caught sight of them trying to interview an officer. Those policemen are trying so hard to capture Chaos, yet none can get close due to the reporters trying to learn more about him. Oh how he loved feeding into the gossip. But most importantly everything was falling into place, gossip was just another form of chaos after all. He smirks and sets off to walk towards the other direction. Right as he began to walk he stepped into a puddle.

Strange... It wasn't raining. He looks down at the puddle, noticing it was an opaque liquid. He scrunches up his nose and takes a swipe at the bottom of his boots, bringing the substance closer to view. He looked at it for a few minutes then realized it was blue paint. He looked down to the puddle and noticed more cans of paints and trash. He picks up a crumpled up piece of paper, it was pictures of Kyle, Stan, Cartmen and Kenny. He glares at the image, how he hated those four the most out of all of South Park, his hate for them competed with his hate for his parents.

He is quickly taken out of his trance as he hears a snap from behind

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He is quickly taken out of his trance as he hears a snap from behind. He quickly turns but is met with no one. He senses someone, but ultimately it wasn't worth wasting the little energy he had left, especially considering it was most likely only paparazzi. He sighs and walks off.

While walking he recognizes an apartment. He smiles, speed walking towards the apartment. He tapped his chin thinking as he looked up towards the upstairs window. Should he try breaking in and getting some different clothes? He wanted to relax and it's hard when you're constantly dressed as South Park's most wanted villain. Mysterion might be in there - scratch that the bomb he left in there last night probably made his clothes unbearably rancid, even Chaos had standards. His thoughts are quickly caught off by a voice coming from his left.

"What are you doin here?" Chaos flinches, how come he didn't sense their presence? He turns his head towards the voice. It was a girl with black ponytails, some... goth?

"Just admiring some houses dear, was thinking of bringing my wife and 2.5 children to South Park." She raises her eyebrow and looks him up and down, "And did you happen to just show up from Comic Con too?" His eyebrows knit in annoyance, but this is better than her knowing he is a villain. "I just enjoy cosplay!" She gives him a good hard look, "Y'know you sure look familiar... are you a friend of Kenny's?"

His eyes widen, now he has to give the best performance of his life, "You know Kenny? I graduated with him! We hung out with the others and did talk a bit during High School

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His eyes widen, now he has to give the best performance of his life, "You know Kenny? I graduated with him! We hung out with the others and did talk a bit during High School... Why? Do you know em" She chuckles, "Of course I do! I'm his sister" She laughs and Chaos just chuckles awkwardly.

"What's your-" He instantly cuts her off, "Look it was nice talking to you but I need to go '' She's about to protest but he walks off. She stares at him offended... "What a weirdo", She shrugs and heads towards Mysterions apartment.

Something about that interaction didn't seem right with him. Why was she heading towards Mysterions apartment... Why didn't she know he was a villain... Who did she think he was? Did he actually know her? He sighs, there was a suspicion in him growing but he kept it down, hoping it isn't true, could Kenny be Mysterion? He shook his head, that's ridiculous, the only evidence he had was that his sister was going towards Mysterions apartment. But he felt like there was still more. His hands turn into fists, it wouldn't hurt to check would it?

He climbs a tree nearby and lands onto the roof of someone's house. From that he jumps roof to roof until he is within view of the apartment. Silently he watches Karen talk to someone at the door. He slowly inches closer to the edge of the roof, until the other person is revealed. It's Kenny. Chaos freezes, his breath becomes more labored. That doesn't mean Kenny is Mysterion, for all he knew they could just be roommates.

He looks away from the situation, getting ready to get down. Until he is met face to face with a pissed off officer glaring up at him. "Great" He mumbles to himself and books it to the back of the house. He slides off onto the backyard, landing on the grass. He regains balance and books it over the fence to the backyard of another house. Just as he's about to book it towards the front he sees police cars already lined up, he had little room to escape. God they came at such a bad time, Chaos bit his lips, he can't take them all out. He was lacking a lot in his power already, he really bit off more than he could chew. He groans and just laid down on the grass, admitting defeat. As he laid there defeated he heard footsteps inching closer towards him. 

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