✮So many are obsessed✮

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Okay.. so. The last chapter was a little to gay..😨 and.. NUBARUUU😭😭😭 I'm so sad😭 btw it's still in espresso's POV.

I woke up. Madeleine already woke up too. He's probably doing something in the living room or kitchen. I got out of the room. And I saw him. "Good morning Essy!" He said. "Oh.. good morning Maddie." I said in a tired tone. "I don't have clothes to change into. Can I borrow some of yours?" I asked. "Sure." He said. "WAIT." He said. "What?" I asked. He rushed into the bedroom and locked the door. I heard some noises in there like he was putting stuff away. "Maddie? What are you doing in there?" I asked. "Nothing! Don't worry about it My love." He said. (Me right now)

 (Me right now)

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"Oh! Okay." I said. What Was he doing in there. He unlocked the door as soon as he finished. "There! I'm done. You can change now." He said. "Oh, alright" I said. I looked inside his closet see what I can wear. His clothes were a bit to big for me but I didn't mind, at least it was comfortable! wait. That's that inside his closet. Is that.. me!? Huh!? Where did he get this picture of me..!? Why do I look so ugly in that picture? Couldn't he had taken a more pretty one? God. I'll just put this picture back where I got it from. I walk out of there. "I'm done changing Maddie!" I said. "That's great! Let's go to school. We have to go to the auditorium for the death of Vincent and Nubaru(😭)." He said. "Oh. Okay!" I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we left.

Madeleine's POV

When we got to school we saw latte there but she didn't notice us. We went to the auditorium and we stood next to each other. While the head master and the principal were giving an announcement of the tragic death of Nubaru and Vincent I saw someone look at espresso. I got jealous. Luckily espresso was laying his head on my shoulder and didn't notice. It was a girl. It was the club leader of the baking club. Am I gonna have to kill a other person. I give her a death stare. She stopped looking at espresso afterwards. When the speech ended the girl came up to us. "Hey boys! Would you like to be friends?" She asked. "Sure." I said. "What about you~? Espresso~" she said flirtingly. I was about to rip her head off right there and then. "Uhm.. sure?" Espresso hesitated. "Why so hesitant?" She asked. She grabbed our hands and ran to the baking club. I looked at espresso confused. Once we got to the club she brought out some cookies. "Would you like to try one?" She asked espresso. Not me too? What a whore. She fed espresso like a baby. I was about to lose it but I kept my cool. I'll kill her after and get this over with. "Oh uhm these are good, but I'm not a little kid, and also, what's your name?" Espresso said. "It's Clairabell, Claira for short~!" She said. "Well mines is espresso! And that's Madeleine, Maddie for short, but that's only for me to call him." He said. "Hello." I said. I glared at her. "Yeah yeah." She said. What a bitch. She shoved a cookie in my mouth. It was good. But I still really hate her. "What's your favorite food espresso?" She asked. "It's espresso." He said. "That's a drin-" she was cut off by espresso. " I know." He glared at her. "I'll make you an espresso then!" She giggled. "Oh! No thank you! People don't usually know how I like my espressos." He said. "Oh! Then how do you make it the way you like it? Would you mind teaching me~?" She said. OKAYYYYY THIS IS MY BREAKING POINT. "Espresso. I have to talk to you. Alone." I said. "Oh okay! I'll be back I think, bye clairabell." He said. I grabbed his arm and started walking with him to the rooftop. "Maddie? What did you need?" He asked. "That girl. Claira. She's flirting with you. I don't like that." I said. "I'm sorry Madeleine.. I don't know how to get rid of her! And besides. You accepted her request to be her friend!" He said. "I want some friends espresso! Not my problem!!I'll get latte to get rid of her." I said. "No! Don't tell latte. She'll get mad at us!" He said. "Don't tell latte what?" Latte appeared behind us. "AAH! L-Latte!!" Espresso jumped. He let go of my hands. "So? What did you not wanna say?" She asked while giving espresso a deadly glare. "Espresso!!" Some one calls. It's Claira running up to espresso. She has her arms out. She tackles him with a hug. Latte IS PISSED. I see her face that she wants to beat the shit out of Claira. Me too tbh. "Who are you?!? And get of espresso!" She said. "I'm Clairabell. What are you gonna do if I don't." She said. If lattes eyes can kill. Claire would've been turned into ashes already. She ripped Claire and espresso apart and espresso ran over to me. Latte tackled Claira to the ground and espresso was hugging my arm. "THIS I WAS ILL DO IF YOU DONT" she yelled. She beat the shit out of Claira and Claira tried to fight back but she was to weak. "Yeah hoe stay away from my brother." She glared at her. Claira was crying and ran away to the girls bathroom. "Now. Madeleine. Get away from espresso." She said. "Espresso..." I mumbled. "No! Latte leave us alone! Madeleine has done nothing but love me! He's never done anything bad!" He confronted latte. "He's gonna break your heart! Everyone breaks hearts!" She said. "Well he's not one of those people who's break my heart! Latte.. just stop being overprotective! I'm not a little boy anymore!" He said. "You promised espresso.. YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME FOR SOME STUPID BOY LIKE HIM. HE'LL LEAVE YOU JUST LIKE RAY!" Latte yelled. Thankfully nobody was near to hear them. "DONT YOU DARE BRING HIM UP!! HE DESERVES TO BE IN HELL. MADELEINE IS THE BEST BOYFRIEND I COULD EVER ASK FOR, HE'S NOT GONNA BE LIKE RAY!" He yelled back. "Who's ray?" I asked. "No one" "espresso's abusive ex boyfriend"  they said at the same time.  "Oh! Well I'll never be like him! Why would I date espresso if I would just abuse him? I'm not an asshole like Ray" I said. "See latte! He's perfect. He'll protect me from anyone who tries to hurt me!" Espresso said. "And besides id never leave you! You're my sister you idiot." He said. Espresso hugged latte and latte hugged him back. She started crying. "Please don't leave me espresso.." she sniffled. "I won't! Just let me be happy with my boyfriend alright!" He said "fine.." latte said. She let go of espresso and wiped her tears. "I-I have to go now.." latte said. "Bye latte!" We both said. We went down to the library and we sat next to each other. I put my arm over espresso as he put his head on my shoulder. He was reading a book about coffee magic. But we were soon disturbed by, you guessed it, Clairabell. "Espresso~!! Are you still gonna teach me how to make that espresso~?" She asked. What a whore. "Oh. Uhmmmm sure?" He said. "Come on Maddie!" He said. He gave me a kiss and I kissed back. "Awhhhh... you guys are so cute together.." she said while gritting her teeth. She was dying on the inside I know it. Once we got to the baking club she pulled espresso next to her "so~ what do we do first~?" She asked. She was sticking her ass out like some whore. "Oh uhm.." espresso soon told her how to make the espresso he liked. "And that's how to make my type of espresso." He said. He leaned on the counter while drinking some of it. "Let me try some." I said, I walked up to espresso and kissed him. He started blushing but he kissed back. I licked my lips. "Bitter.." I said. I saw Clairabell get jealous. I know damn well she wanna be me right now. "..." she groaned. "I'm bored.. do you boys wanna do something?" She asked in a kinda angry tone.

                        Clairabell's POV

        I hate Madeleine with my guts. I will find a way to get espresso.  "Oh! I know! Let's go hang out near the fountains outside!" I said. I have an idea. "Ok!" They both said. We go to one of the fountains outside. Espresso and Madeleine were sitting together. I hate that. "Madeleine~ will you go get the cookies I left on the counter in the baking club~?" I said. "Fine." He said. Espresso tried to get up. But I stopped him. "No. Only Madeleine has to go." I said. He looked annoyed. I got on top of him. "W-What are you doing..!?" He asked, "Oh nothing~!" I said seductively. "G-Get off me you weirdo." He said, I didn't care about what he said but I went in to kiss him but before I could. I felt someone choke me.

                         Espresso's POV

          I looked behind Clairabell while she was getting choked. "Get. Off. Of. MY. BOYFRIEND." I hear Madeleine yell. He grabbed her by the neck and dragged her onto the ground. She gasped for air but as soon as she sat up he hit her in the face with the tray where the cookies used to be. He carried her somewhere while I just sat there shocked. Oh my.. he looked so hot doing that. Will he choke me like that too..? /j  he comes back after a bit and class starts. I go to class with Madeleine.

                       *~Time skippppp~*
          It's 7:00pm now. Me and Maddie are at his house.
                      Madeleine's POV

"Espresso, I need to go somewhere. You stay here." I said. "Ok! Be back quickly!" He said. I went out of the house. I went back to the school. And got the case Clairabell was in. (Yes he kidnapped her.) I went back to the house and snuck in. Making sure espresso couldn't hear me coming in. I quietly sneak down to the basement and strap Claira down just like I did to Nubaru on the chair.(STOP. THATS IT. I CANT😭) "What is this?!? LET ME GO!" She yelled. Luckily I closed the basement door. The base meant is sound proof so nobody will hear anything from the inside. "You're not going anywhere..you're my next mindslave." I said. "WHAT!?? STOP THIS BULLSHIT AND LET ME GO." She screamed. "No." I said. I left the basement. I can tell she was screaming because once I felt she was getting ready to open her noisy mouth. I go back to espresso. "I'm back Essy!" I said. His face is buried into a pillow positioned like a star. He looked at me with teary eyes. "Essy?! What happened!?" I asked. "Nothing. I almost fell asleep without you" he sniffed. "Essy I-" he stood up and hugged me. "Come on.. let's go to sleep." He said. "Ok.." I said.

HEELLLLLLPPPP. IM SO FUCKING GAY. (No I'm actually homophobic/hj) Anyways this was 1914 words<3 goodbye yalls

They're gone now..||Espresseleine Story||Where stories live. Discover now