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Ok soo. Ik I was not posting as much bc of school so I'm sorry😭😭but anyways it's still espresso's POV

After school and everything. I saw that Madeleine wasn't even trying to look for me. So after I found him.. behind the school..? I followed him. He's carrying a girl?! She looks familiar but I can't really she her!? Is he cheating on me!? With a GIRL!? Isn't he gay?? FOR ME!?? He went near the incinerator. What is he doing!? I catch up to him but from a far distance. He's... alone now..? Where'd the girl go? I check the incinerator. It's.. on!? What's in there?! What did you do to that girl!? I can remember her.. I feel like I've seen her.. is she.. CLAIRABELL..!?!? IS HE CHEATING ON ME WITH... HER!!? I'll turn the incinerator off and go confront Madeleine.. I can't believe he did this.. he's been distant to me because..HES SEEING CLAIRA!? I'm on the verge of crying.. I bursted into tears and went towards Madeleine.. I tapped him on the shoulders. He looked behind. I slapped him back handed. "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS!?" I yelled at him. "W-What!? I-I didn't do anything!?" He said. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH CLAIRABELL AT THE INCINERATOR!?" I yelled. (Guys I'm not gonna put like "I said" bc I'm so fucking lazy sorry) "Please.. espresso.. don't tell anyone! I'm sorry.." , "WHY WOULD I TELL ANYONE ABOUT YOU CHEATING ON ME! YOU BASTARD." , Madeleine looked up shocked. "Espresso.. I'm not cheating on you.." , "THEN WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH CLAIRA?! YOU CHEATING LIAR. I LOVED YOU!" , "Espresso I have to tell you something.. but promise not to tell anyone.. okay..?" , "WHAT DO YOU WANT." I put my hands on my head and cried harder. Why did he do this.. he grabbed my hands. I looked up at him while crying. "Look espresso.. I killed her.. I didn't know you were behind me this whole time and now I have to tell you my secret. I've killed people for you espresso.. Nubaru, Vince, Claira, And even my friend enlightment." He.. killed.. for me..?! "Just don't tell anyone.. okay?" He raised my chin. No.. he couldn't... he would never.. "LIAR! STOP IT.. YOURE LYING! I KNOW IT!" I swept my hands away and ran to the incinerator. I open the doors to see Claira.. dead.. and burned. I covered my face with my hands. I can't stop crying.. her dead body.. Madeleine hugged me from behind. "I'm sorry espresso. Please don't tell anyone. Or else.." I looked at him. He cupped my face and kissed me. I kissed him back but I can't believe him.. I dug my face into his chest and started softly punching him. "WHY?! WHY DID YOU KILL THEM..!? I KNOW THEY HAD SOME SORT OF FEELINGS TOWARDS ME BUT WHY DID YOU KILL VINCE!?!? HE WAS OUR FRIEND!! YOU MONSTER!" I can't do this anymore. He killed poor Nubaru.. and.. VINCE.. why.. "I'm sorry, I just loved you so much I couldn't let anyone take you from me." He then took out his phone and looked at something. I don't care I just can't believe about what he did. "I can't Madeleine.. I have to tell the police.." , "You're not going anywhere.." he pulls me closer for a hug and stabs my neck with.. a syringe?!?! WHAT!? "LET ME GO! NO!!" I tried to scream to make him stop. I felt.. sleepy. Then it all went blank.

(Madeleines pov but I'm to lazy to put that on font and shit.)

I put espresso on my bed and went on my phone. I saw that my mothers friend/relative's texted me.

Amami: do you need my service? I'll be happy to hep with anything.

Mad yan: yes. How do you get rid of peoples memories?

Amami: oh my! Yes I do!

Mad yan: great..

Amami told me how to erase espressos memories, but not all his memories. I did it with some light magic I know. He woke up after half an hour. "Hey there espresso." I waved to him. "Madeleine? Where are we?" , "we're in my room." "Oh! Well. It feels like I need to remember something.. but I forgot what it was...". "It's probably nothing darling.. don't worry about it." , "D-Darling...??" , oh. It seems he forgot about us. I'll confess to him under the cherry tree since I already know he loves me back. It'll be like what I dreamed of...! I do it tomorrow since it's Friday.. at 6:00pm, "oh! I'm sorry." , "N-No no.. it's okay.." , "Well then.." , espresso started blushing a lot. "Espresso. You lost your
memories, latte doesn't know about this so don't tell her.", "why?" , "no questions.. okay?", "fine."

*~ The next day~*

Espresso woke up next to me. I woke up seconds after. We got changed for school and went together. We saw latte there with her friend, or maybe maybe even more than a friend. Espresso looked at me, and then back at latte. "Should we go talk to her?" , "I don't know, I mean, if you want we can go and talk to her." , "oh sure." Espresso grabbed my arm and we walked together. Hesitate so adorable... this is why I love him. I'm already gonna confess to him after school. But anyways. "Hi latte" espresso waved at latte. "Hey! Is something wrong? You guys seem to always be more clingy-", "Who's your friend?" I cut latte off. Espresso can't know, not yet. "Oh uhm. This is raspberry. She's my girlfriend!" , "Awww that's so cute!" Espresso clapped a bit. "Hello" raspberry mumbled, I can see she was shy.  The bell rang and we all went to our classes. Espresso was looking at me and I looked at him back, I waved at him and he waved back. I started to blush. He was so adorable. He blushed too. I know he likes me. I like him too. That's why I killed people for him. He's my one and only. I winked at Him and he blushed more he covered his face in embarrassment. The bell rang which meant our break started, so I went over to espresso. "Hey." , "W-What was that f-for?" He blushed more trying to not make it obvious. "For fun." , "You're gay. Like, really gay." , "I know, but so are you, I can see the blush on your face." , he covered him face so I wouldn't be able to see him, I put his hands down and put my hand of his cheek, he looked at me shocked and full with blush, he put his hand on mine. "Y-You can stop now.." he blushed more and more getting redder with each second that goes by, I took my hand of of his cheek and kissed him on the cheek. "W-WHAAAATTTT" , "you're welcome." , espresso started stuttering not even knowing what he was even saying, he pushed my face away and turned his back on me.  I laughed. I saw latte walking to us in the corner of my eye, "hey guys!" , "hello latte!" , "why are you so red espresso?" , "N-No reason.."  , "espresso?" , "yeah espresso why Are you so red~?" , "S-Shut up Maddie.." , "Ooo~ what's going on~?" , "N-Nothing! Shut up! B-Both of you!" , latte and I both laugh while espresso was blushing a lot. Break ended, we went to class, bell rings, school is about to end. I put the note in espressos locker to meet me at the cherry tree.

                        Espresso's POV

Class ends but we still have a few mor minutes before we go home. It's currently 5:20 pm. I go to my locker to get something. I see something I didn't put in there though... this seems familiar... like.. deja vu.. I see that it's a note. It reads.. 'Dear espresso, meet me at the cherry tree behind the school' with a heart at the end. "Maybe I should meet them." This seems so... familiar, I can't remember anything! This is so confusing.. I go to the cherry tree behind the school and get there in time. Currently 6:00pm I see Madeleine coming from behind the tree.. "Madeleine..? You wanted to see me here..?" , "Yes.. I want to talk to you about something, so listen up because this is really important." , "just spill it out already." I giggled a bit, "I love you espresso, I've always loved you, I love you more than anything else in the world!" , he confessed... about his feelings towards me.. I think I like him to.. "Madeleine.. I.. love you too!" , "really?" , "Yes! Yes I do!" , we both shared a tender kiss under the cherry tree. We went to Madeleines home holding hands. I am so happy! He's the best!

Help. This gay. 😱 anyways I'm sorry for not updating, ill try to update more faster sorry yall😭

They're gone now..||Espresseleine Story||Where stories live. Discover now