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Hyunjin's POV
y/n's story really touched me. It's so cool and it does suit her. Perhaps that story made me question my thoughts on liking 'girly girls' even more. God, it's like the 1000th time today. I'm not really complaining though. She's so pretty, nice to talk to, funny, cute, has quite cool duality in terms of voice and looks, and there's more that I can think of. I need a quiet atmosphere to think of things like this. But I'll do that as soon as I get back to my hotel room because right now I want to spend the rest of the precious time we have left with y/n.

The time we had left flew by, it was almost like the click of a finger. Sadly we had to part ways soon but atleast were meeting again in three days. "Unfortunately, I gotta meet my family at the buffet in 10 minutes." "Already? That went by so fasssttt. Ooh! Maybe I could tell my family to do the same." "Ok sounds great."
She then called her parents and quickly told them to meet her at the buffet in 10. We then very slowly made our way to the diner, and by slowly I mean we literally took the stairs instead of the lift because we had a lot of time.
We made it there in six minutes, not too bad, but looked like neither of our families were there which gave us the opportunity to talk just a bit more.
I swear talking to this girl is addicting. And her laugh is so contagious. Within four minutes, both our families had arrived but at different times, mine first.
They spotted me and stood at a fair distance waiting for me.
"Will you be okay waiting alone?" I asked her making sure she would be fine.
"Yeah of course, you go."
I smiled at her and said "ok bye. See you next time!" "yup, ba-bye!" then I did the most unexpected thing.
I hugged her.

Even I was caught off guard by my own actions. But luckily, it was a nice hug. She didn't seem to tense up or anything so that's good because it means she wasn't uncomfortable.
After the hug, I walked away from her with a smile.
"Ooooo" said my sister (silently) as soon as I walked up to them.
"Shut up!" I whisper-yelled to her. Aish this girl.
"Ok, in all seriousness, y/n's totally pretty. I like her style a lot." she told me.
"Right?" I responded strongly agreeing.

We found a table with four seats, put our stuff down and went to get food. Once we came back, we started gobbling up the food like it was our last meal as it was so so delicious; tonight's cuisine was Mexican (there's a different cusine every night for dinner in the buffet).
I had almost finished my plate when I hear a significantly deep voice from afar. It was a bit muffled from the noise of people talking, laughing, and cutlery but it was still easily distinguishable. It was a deep voice yet so so smooth. It sounds so familiar...
I look around and spot y/n's family sitting at a table about ten metres away from us.
y/n was laughing when I realised that voice sounds similar to y/n's. It was her brother! Her brother was saying something and she's laughing at it! But, dang, I gotta say, her brother's voice is majestic. Wow, looking at their whole family, they each look so so similar. I get that they're family so are obviously going to look similar in some way but they look similar in so many ways. The most noticeable thing is that they all have exquisite features.

"Hyunjin-ah!" I snapped out of my thoughts to my father clicking his fingers in my face. I came back to reality and apologised. After that, the rest of dinner went normally, except I couldn't help but glance over at y/n's table here and there. I don't know whats going on with me, but I'm about to find out...

We made it to our hotel room now, I'm in a room with my sister and my parents are together. We asked for the door separating the rooms to be unlocked but currently it's closed.

So. What is going on with me?

Do I not like girly girls anymore, or just not fully? I don't want y/n to just be an exception, she's too valuable for anyone to have the sheer audacity to do that to her.
"Well let's think...She has so many attributes which are enough to prove that I like her, or atleast have some sort of romantic feelings towards her, and a strong one. Either one of those. Or maybe more, I don't know aaahh!!

So the question now becomes, do I still like girly girls, if so in what way and how much has it changed all becuase of one single girl?
A girl who just so happens to be a tomboy; the exact opposite of a girly girl, who also 'supposedly' isn't my type.
She's so immaculate inside and out though...
My thoughts were interrupted by my sister calling my name which annoyed me but I tried to hold it in.
"Do you wanna go shower first or can I?"
"You can go."
Ooo maybe that's not so bad after all. I get a more peaceful environment to think.

So as I was saying, the answer to that question...

Is actually more straightforward than I thought...

y/n's changed my view completely, so I think my type is now just..both. AKA anyone who catches my eye inside and out. A single girl managed to change my view quite drastically.
"Huh... one girl who's supposedly not my type made me change that..y/n is one special girl..." I thought out loud.

Author's POV
meanwhile y/n had been contemplating the same thing about Hyunjin. Does she like him or not? The answer to that question after 10 whole minutes of thinking, is yes. But she immediately thought she had no chance with him because he only likes 'girly girls'. Minutes later y/n's siblings started worrying about her, but they were also getting impatient as   y/n hasn't told them how the hangout went yet.
"y/n/n. You alright?" asked Felix calmly.
"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine." she answered back hesitantly.
"You sure?" Chae asked wanting to make sure.
"Yup." she replied with a faint smile, which failed because, of course, her siblings know her too well.
"C'moonnn I know a fake smile when I see one. What's up?" Felix told her.
"Ughh" y/n exclaimed in defeat putting her face in her hands. She then lifted them and told them how she likes Hyunjin, but he said he only likes 'girly girls' so thinks she has no chance with him. She's also worried b/f/n will be mad so she also told them that.
"Oh y/n. Don't worry b/f/n won't be mad, she's your best friend, I'm sure she'd support you all the way." Chae reassured.
"I don't knooowww" said y/n starting to sound really stressed so Felix stood up at once and went over to his (youngest) sister saying with his soothing voice "come here" and held his arms out.
He wrapped his warm arms around her and she did the same, and Felix was standing while y/n was sitting. Felix placed her head on his chest and stroked her head. Words quietly came out of his mouth; "I'm sure you will be just fine, y/n. You have nothing to worry about becuase you know for a fact b/f/n likes someone else and you're also sure that that someone else likes her back, am I right?"
y/n hesitated and still had doubts but still responded with "mhm" then her brother continued; "And you like him, but he said to you that he likes 'girly girls', well let me tell you Lee y/n you're so beautiful and you have such a great personality and you're so amazing overall, I can guarantee you his views must have changed atleast a tiny bit even if it's only been a couple days."
y/n tightened her grip around her brother and not even a second later they both felt another pair of hands around them, and they could only guess that it was Chaeryeong. They stayed like that for a good few minutes then broke it. "Thank you guys." said y/n to her siblings.
"Of course y/n/n we're always here for you." said Chaeryeong.
"I'm going to go shower now." she let them know, got her stuff and headed to the bathroom.
While in the shower, she was thinking of her brothers words. They were so sweet but the only thing she still is a bit conscious of is the fact b/f/n won't be mad. Becuase she's sure she would be.
In the room, however, her siblings are having a chat about how she was being stubborn (still is, except they think she won't be anymore) for constantly not believing that b/f/n will be furious.
y/n got out of the shower, then her siblings followed one after another and they went to bed after hanging out with their parents for a good 2 hours.

word count: 1589

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