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The ride felt like 40 minutes but supposedly it was only like 20 minutes or something.

The ride was pretty dull, listening to mum and dad talking to the man and sometimes talking about us in their conversations was certainly not my idea of fun.
I think tiredness hit me and both my siblings as all our eyes were practically half shut but I don't think we were actually tired, we were just sick of hearing the conversations the others were having.
Anyways, we'd arrived and we entered the hotel and my God it was stunning.
I mean my dad did say it was a 5-star hotel after all.
Anyway we arrived at the till and checked in. We had 2 hotel rooms, one for the parents and one for us siblings. The 2 rooms were connected so we asked them to have the door that was splitting them unlocked.
We were also all-inclusive so we got these wristbands that we have to wear throughout our stay.
There was also a long explanation on the spa, jacuzzi, sauna, massages and stuff like that that was available for us.
After that we got 2 information papers (one for each room) and then each of us got a key card.
Our rooms were on the 8th floor so we thanked the receptionists and headed to the lifts to go to our rooms.
My mum presses the button and after waiting there for a minute straight we finally got a ping that the lift was here.
Luckily it was empty so we got in and pressed number 8. I really hate it when I'm alone and have to go in a lift and there's other people in it, it's so awkward, I just hate it. I'm not even alone right now though so that's a bonus I guess.
Anyway we arrived at the 8th floor and went to our rooms. 826 and 828. We were 828 and Chaeryeong did the honours of opening our door while my mum did it for their room.

Oh my dear crumbles...

This room is above the clouds. It's so much bigger than I expected and I didn't actually expect us to have three beds! Wow it's going great so far!
"Wow it's fantastic" Felix mentioned, also awestruck.
"It really is..." Chae chimed in with the same tone of astonishment.
"Let's look around" I communicated and we all immediately went separate ways, glancing in every direction. The first place I checked out was the bathroom 'cause why not?
It was also quite big and had just enough space for all of our belongings. It was seriously so luxurious.
I could definitely say the same for the rest of the room because I had looked around it and all I could say was WOW. It's absolutely brilliant. And my siblings agree for sure.

Chae sighed and plopped herself down on one of the beds.
"What's the WiFi password?" she questioned.
"How could we possibly know?" I stated.
They both let out a breathy laugh and Lix said "it's probably on the information sheet."
As I was closest to it, I picked it up and looked for the WiFi details and I found them.
"Here you go sis" I handed her the sheet and she typed it in then me and my brother followed. His phone rang just after he turned it off and I could hear him mutter a "oh my god" out of frustration. It was mum so he picked it up and then talked with her.

About 30 seconds later he hung up and told us mum said a guy would be coming very soon to unlock the door that separates the 2 rooms. So we didn't bother unpacking yet, instead we waited then we would unpack and then get some shut-eye, in my case chill until we're all ready to go have breakfast and explore the hotel.

"To be fair I'm not really that sleepy" said my brother as he closed the door which separated our room from our parents one.

"Same" me and Chae said at the same time.
Felix chuckled and said "you guys just twinned" and he started laughing, also being aware that our parents are infact trying to rest.
Me and my sister looked at eachother with somewhat confused expressions after what he told us. Just as we did that he looked up and started laughing even harder, now grabbing his stomach. We heard him breath out a "you did it again" and we were now really confused but we were also concerned to be honest.
Our brother finally managed to stop laughing and responded to our frozen expressions with a "don't play dumb, you guys said the exact same thing at the exact same time with the exact same tone"
After a moment of silence Chae spoke up and said "and your surprised because.."
"Oh my goodness you two- it's because you rarely do stuff like that."
"I guess" I said with a slightly questioning tone.
I think it was a bit of a shock for us too because we hardly ever do things like that but we've lived with eachother for 20 years so even though it's a rare occurrence, were used to it by now.
Anyway after that we decided to talk about which bed is who's and we decided to just go in age order. Felix's one is nearest to the window, Chaeryeong's is in the middle, and mine is closest to the bathroom.

So we then all proceeded to sit on Chae's bed when her phone let out a 'ping'.
She picked it up and she had a surprised look on her face.
"Who is it?" Felix immediately asked with a serious tone.
"It's Changbin." she said.
"What?" me and Felix said in unison. So he's not surprised by this? Anyway-
"Yeah Changbin literally just sent me a text saying 'are you guys there yet?'"
"Why is he up so early?" asked Felix.
"Ask him" I said directing it at our sister.
She then started typing, and send the message. In a short amount of time Changbin's response was 'I fell asleep really early last night cuz I overworked myself a bit yesterday afternoon'.
At this point I'm pretty sure all of us were surprised by hearing the first part cuz that's not like Seo Changbin to fall asleep early but mainly we were mad at him for overworking himself for whatever reason so Chae instantly pressed the call button.
She set up the phone on a stack of pillows, sideways so we all fit in the frame. She also made sure the volume wasn't too high becuause of our parents who were trying to sleep.

"Yah Seo fucking Changbin why are you overworking yourself, hm?" our sister immediately spoke.
"Ummm- um I was just working out and I realised only after an hour of intense running on the treadmill that I was panting. A lot." he anxiously told us.
"How come you only realised an hour in?" I asked him with a hint of frustration on my face and in my voice.
"Because I was so focused on the music I was listening to and I also was a bit too engrossed in just working out overall for some reason." he said scratching his neck.
We were all devastated.
"Hyung, next time focus on how much your doing and not fully emerging into the music or the workout."
"Ok I will, sorry" he muttered the last part with teary eyes. We were already feeling bad, but that hit the spot. Seeing the sensitive Changbin upset makes the world fall apart. We all softened up and almost started crying too.
"Changbin ah, were really sorry for being harsh, we are just trying to protect you and make sure your healthy and not overdoing or underdoing things" said my sister.
"Yeah we were so worried to the point we got a bit cross" I added on.
"So in other words, please take care of yourself from now on. Even though were younger than you doesn't mean we don't look out for you just as much as you do for us" my brother added.
"I understand guys. I promise I won't overwork myself again. I should of thought of you guys, including the others because I know you all care about me. You all keep me going." the corner of his lips turned up.
"Thats right oppa" said my sister reassuringly. We all smiled at him.
"You know, you guys are well scary when your mad, especially you y/n" he chuckled and we did the same and then talked for about another hour and a half until we unfortunately had to say goodbye and get ready to leave for breakfast as our parents were now up.

word count: 1474

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