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y/n's POV
"Hey guys, be careful it's still warm. y/n would you like anything to drink?" Hyunjin's mum asks me as we arrive downstairs.
"Yes please, just water will be fine."
We all sit down and wait for their mum to also sit down so we can all get ourselves some nice, warm, delicious kimchi jjigae.
"Here you go darling." his mum says putting a glass of water infront of me.
"Thank you." I answer.

We all scoop ourselves som jjigae into our bowls and feast on the meal with the accompaniment of a few side dishes, of course.
"So y/n, out of interest, are you full Korean, or are you partly from somewhere else too?" his dad asks me.
"I'm half Korean half Australian. I also speak both languages fluently but I'm also learning German and Japanese." I say.
"Ooh, that's very nice. How's that going?" his mum asks.
"Very well thank you."
"How long have you been learning?" his dad asks me.
"German I've been learning for nearly two years, and Japanese about eight months."
"Oh, that's nice. I love to see people who speak so many languages. It shows your interest towards them." his dad says.
"Haha, thank you." I say back.

Thank God they didn't ask the dreaded question of 'can you say this and this in that language'. I hate it when people ask me that, like just appreciate that you now have the knowledge that I can actually speak the languages, don't ask me to prove it, it's stupid.

"Do you have a job y/n?" his dad asks me once again.
"No because I'm still living with my parents but I'm planning on moving out soon with my siblings in the future so I'm also planning on getting a job pretty soon, all three of us are. I did have a job from when I was sixteen 'till I was eighteen but then I got ridiculously bored of it so I quit. I'm actually looking for a job currently." I say.
"Aaah, okay. It's the same with our Yeji here. She had a job in high school but quit because she found it the most boring thing of her life." their mum says, and Yeji just smiles.

"The foods very nice, by the way." I complimented their luxurious food.
"Oh really? Thank you." their mum said thanking me.

For the rest of lunch the conversation's topic was mainly me which I didn't mind, but then when we were all done we all thanked his mum once again for the food and went back upstairs.
"Oh, before you go, would you guys like to go for a nice walk in around half an hour or fourty-five minutes?" his dad asked everyone. We all said yes but 'till then Hyunjin and I decided to just go back upstairs.

"Your mum is a really good cook." I said to Hyunjin.
"I know right?" he said "what do you say we watch a movie tonight?"
"Ooohh, okay. Should we pick now so we don't have to be there at night for like an hour just picking the movie?" I suggested.
"Yeah." he said and then got his laptop out.

It took us like fifteen minutes to actually decide, but we ended up picking 'Love and Monsters'.
After that we just layed down and went on our phones. It was only for fifteen or twenty minutes, then his dad called us down to go for a walk. It was 3pm by now and we were on the walk for atleast an hour. The weather was rather chilly but it was sunny, so I guess it wasn't tooooo bad. We got back to the house and Hyunjin and I went back upstairs to do something else after that refreshing and relaxing walk.
We sat down next to eachother on the side of his bed and stayed in silence, both unsure what to say or do. We were quite close to eachother, our legs and arms were touching. Didn't really mind, the atmosphere was just getting awkward.
"Um-" I tried to start a conversation but Hyunjin interrupted me before I could say anything.
"y/n." he said with a very serious tone.
"Do you trust me?" he asks. It got me thinking how random that is, but.. okay.
"Yeah.. why?" I asked him, confused.

"Do you really trust me?" he asked, facing me fully.
"Yes." I said.
"Okay then close your eyes." he said, so I obeyed. I was really confused by that point but I trusted the process.
"Hyunjin, what ar-"
"Ssshhh" when he did that I got a bit scared but curious at the same time.

I felt his presence getting closer and closer, until I felt his lips collide with mine...

He kissed me. It was soft and nothing too aggressive or anything.

I pulled away, shocked. My eyes were wide and I looked straight into his pearly eyes.
I didn't dislike the kiss, I was just shocked.

I pulled him closer and smashed my lips into his. Even I was surprised by my own actions, but I didn't stop.

His lips are soft like clouds, and both our lips are moving perfectly in sync.

He tried to pull me even closer by my waist, so I brang my legs up and sat cross-legged completely facing him. He tucked my hair behind my ears then put his left hand back on my waist, and kept his right hand on my neck.

I felt complete at that moment. This kiss was what made us complete. After this we both knew we'd be official very very soon.

We pulled away and placed our foreheads against eachother as we were both slightly panting.
"Do you know... how long long I've been waiting to do that?"

I didn't respond, I just closed my eyes and waited a bit so we can catch our breaths, then I went back in, kissing him again. This time it was filled with passion, but it wasn't too intense. Just very passionate. But after a while it did get intense and both of us could tell that the other wanted more, so Hyunjin brang his leg up a bit more so he can face me even more and by this point, my hand was in his soft, luscious hair.

We carried on for another ten minutes straight, only taking short breaks to catch our breaths, but that's it. That is until a knock was heard oh the bedroom door. We sharply separated because we both jumped a bit from panic, but luckily no one saw.
"Come in." Hyunjin said, clutching his chest from the mini heart attack we had just had.
It was Yeji. "Why are you guys both panting so hard?" she asked us, clearly having suspicions.
"No, no we didn't go that far!" Hyunjin cut her off as he shut the door. He started to talk lowly because obviously Yeji has basically just found out.
"Did you guys make out then?" she asked us.
Hyunjin and I looked at eachother and I said "yeah" and sighed.
"But don't even think about telling anyone. Not your friends, not my friends, not mum and dad, no one. Clear?" Hyunjin said to his sister.
"Yeah, clear, I promise." she said.
"But OH MY GOD!!! I knew it would happen at some point, I just had that feeling. You two are the cutest, I swear. When are you gonna finally make it official for God's saaakeee??" she blurted out, visibly excited.
"Soon." was all Hyunjin said "now get out." he said shooing her out.
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you guys to make out some more" she said jokingly "just don't swallow eachother."
"I don't know what you're talking about." he said and then shut the door after Yeji went out.

He sighed and walked back towards me "sorry about that. That kinda killed the vibe didn't it?" he asked, walking towards me with that same look filling his sharp eyes.
"Yeah but we can always set the mood again." I said which led him to lick his lips, and we got back to where we left off, but even more intense if that was even possible.

He grabbed my chin and I grabbed his shirt to pull him in. I swear to God I was levitating. I was enjoying the moment so much, I almost couldn't believe I was actually there. I couldn't believe I was making out with the guy who stole my heart within only a few days of seeing him. The same happened to him, and now here we are. I don't care if things are moving fast, as long as we're both cool with it, it's fine. It feels like we've known eachother waaayy longer anyway.

After ten whole minutes we stopped for a breather because we didn't stop once in those ten minutes.
"You're a damn good kisser, you know that?" I told him.
"Gee, thanks. You are too, beautiful."

The nickname has me SCREAMING on the inside. I blush and fail to hide my smile and fall back onto the bed. Hyunjin just laughed at me and laid down next to me as we started a conversation.

a/n: soooo what do we think? it's quite cringy isn't it 😭 lol sorry I tried my best but please feel free to say if it's cringy or whatever. also I will be publishing a new book later today so idk u may be interested if you like txt....
also 1.7k reads on this book wth????? tysm guys 😭💕

word count: 1606

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