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a couple days later

All I can think about lately is the meetup. I simply cannot take my mind off it, it's too exciting.
It was Monday afternoon, and it was a fairly nice day, so I decided to go for a walk. I yelled "does anyone wanna come on a walk with me?" so that everyone can hear.
Only Felix ended up wanting to come so we put on cardigans and shoes, and left. We decided to share my airpods, listening to music while having a chat.
"Only 4 days left 'till the meetup." mentioned Felix as we left the house.
"Yeahhhh. I can't wait."
"Same. Do you think we should bring anything? Like cupcakes or something?"
"Ooo, now that you mention it...it might be a good idea." I said "let's text on the group chat to see if anyone's bringing anything."


Hey, is anyone gonna bring
anything, like cupcakes,
boardgames, etc?

If u want u can but u
dont have to

Ye I'm bringing twister

Also, is it okay if we invite
just one more person? I
promise it's just one person,
I don't want a huge huge



Y not

Omg Jisung ur alive

Shut up I slept in ok

Bro its literally 2:04, and
uve only j woken up?

U can't judge, it's Monday

Plus I stayed awake till like
4am on facetime with Minho

Fine, fair enough, can't blame

I'll add the person I wanted
to invite

Ive already talked to him abt

b/f/nnnnn💖☺️ added Ni-Ki Minaj

Ni-Ki Minaj
Hi ppl

Before you even ask, of course
u can come along Riki y would
we say no

Channie Oppa 🥹🥰

Ni-Ki Minaj
Oh ty guys, when is this

Friday 12:00pm, at Yuna's house.

I also sent the address again so that Riki also knows.

Ni-Ki Minaj
Thx, I can make it!

I'll bring some of my
mum's homemade udon,
how's that sound to



Ye he's gonna eat it all,
so bring a lot, bro

Ni-Ki Minaj
Haha ok, will do

Anyways, I put my phone back in my pocket and started talking with Felix again.

"Ooo, should I make brownies then?" Felix suggested.
"YES. YES YOU SHOULD" I said enthusiastically, because I simply cannot resist my brother's brownies. They are absolute heaven.

"So have u talked to Hyunjin recently?" Felix asked me.
"Yeah, I talked to him yesterday actually."
"Really, what did u talk about?"
"Not much, just about the meetup, how we're both doing, what were doing, and a conversation which escalated from 'do you play an instrument?' to 'how many hours of sleep do you usually get?'" I told him.
"Ha, nice. How is he?"
"He said he's good, that it feels nice to be back home."
Felix just hummed and we continued to listen to the music. Shout Out by ENHYPEN started playing, and we gave eachother that look the second we heard it. We ended up singing along to it together. We got a few stares here and there, but we didn't care. I mean it's Shout Out, come on.
From then on we just sang along to iconic parts in the songs that came up and it was a lot of fun.
"Wanna go back home now, and check what ingredients I need for the brownies, then we can go to the grocery store." my brother asked me.
"Sure, let's go." I said, so we headed home and went inside.
"Hello, how was the walk?" asked our mum who was sitting on the couch, reading a book.
"Relaxing" I said "Calming" Feix said at the same time. We looked at eachother and giggled.
"Good, what are you guys going to do now?" asked our mother.
"We're just checking what I need to make brownies, 'cause I'm gonna bring some to our meetup on Friday, then we're gonna go to the grocery store." explained Felix.
"Oh, that's lovely, you're very thoughtful. Oh and if you're gonna go to the grocery store, can you get the stuff from the list on the fridge?" our mum asked.
"Yes of course." I said taking the list off and putting it in my pocket.
"Thanks so much honey." she said.
"No problemo." I replied.

It's a damn long list, but my mum wants us to get it, so we can't do anything about it. Plus it won't be that bad. I enjoy grocery shopping honestly, and so does Lix.

"Okay, I just need - can you write this down - unsalted butter, vanilla, bread flour, and cocoa powder." I did as Felix told me to, and wrote down the ingredients he needed.

"Okay, we'll be back soon mum, bye, love you." I said.
"Bye, love you guys." she said.
"Love you." and lastly my brother said, and he took the car keys, and off we went.

We got in the car and drove to the nearest grocery store. Once we got there we found a parking space and went in, getting all the items from the list. It took about half an hour to find everything, and we finished within 45 minutes total. We got back home and put everything away in the drawers, pantries, and shelves.
After that, our dad told us they planned on watching a movie (all five of us) when we get back, so that's exactly what we did.

word count: 933

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