•․×°Chapter 03: A Bad Start(ING)°×․•

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-I'm being serious there will be a lot of cursing

~Y/N P.O.V~


I'm in a very white place, it seems to be infinite, no matter how much I walk, I don't know if I'm moving forward...I should just continue, maybe I should just give up.

I feel like it's been days and I'm still here, all that changes are very low voices but as I walk they become louder, I don't really understand what they say.

~End of Dreamscape~

I woke up and heard nightmare voice "I was starting to believe you wouldn't wake up" "uh... What do you mean...? " "I was starting to believe that those idiots had hit you too hard" "...You know who they were right...You... You told them to kidnap me..." "... We'll talk about this later..." ​ ​​​​"No Nightmare! We're not going to talk about this at some other time! How could you do that to me, I trusted you!" I acted as I was mad even thought I wasn't, well I can't feel anything "T/N... " "Tell me why!? Tell me what's the reason for all of this!?" I don't really give a fuck about this "..." "ANSWER ME!" "T/N I... I-" "Get out, I want to be alone for some time... " "ok... I will go... If you need something just call me" did he really just leave- I mean isn't this his house?

~Nightmare P.O.V~

​​​​​​'Why!? Why do I feel this way just for a human!? Why do I feel so good when I'm with her!? There's so many questions and very few answers... What is special about her to make me feel this way... But she probably hates me right now and it's my fault... What!? What am I saying!? Why would I mind her hating me, after all I'm the king of negativity, she's being negative and that's good for me, it couldn't be that I'm... No, that's imposible... Right... ?'

"Boss" Three skeletons were inside the room "What do the three of you want?" "Could we know why you sent us to bring two humans into the castle?" "It is none of your business" "Oh come on boss!" "No" "at least you can tell us what you were thinking" "I was thinking of a plan to stop the stars, that's all."

~Y/N P.O.V~

'Now that I remember Alex was home when they Kidnapped me, so could they had also kidnnaped him?.' 'oh well there is only one way to know and it's to start looking for him'

*ring ring* 'It's Ashley I should pick up, I haven't talk with her for some time'

Y/N: "hi"

Ashley: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes"

Ashley: "Where are you? You didn't answer my calls..."

Y/N: "I'm with a friend..."

Ashley: "ok but for the next time you go out with a "friend" let me know, you scared me to death"

Y/N: "I will don't worry"

Ashley: "take care of yourself"

Y/N: "I will, I already told you, I'm fine"

Ashley: "Just take care"

Ashley: "I have to leave, we'll talk another time."

Y/N: "Ok, see you later"

*Call ended*

~Dust P.O.V~

'Why didn't boss tell us anything about this girl' 'And why do I have to bring her?'

​​​​​​​​​​​​Y/N: "I will, I already told you, I'm fine"

'who's she talking with?'

Y/N: "Ok see you later"

"who were you talking with"

*She turned to look at me*

"I were talking to no one" "wait, you are one of my kidnappers!" "yeah, yeah boss wants to see you" "nightmare?..." "yes now let's go" "I won't go anywhere" She turned her back on me "I don't have time for this, brat" "How did you just call me!?" she turned to me, she was angry about how I had called her "I dare you to repeat that one more time!" "you're a brat" "a brat!? Stupid bitch!" she got a knife out of nowhere! How the fuck did she do that! she throwed the knife at me "Damn motherfucker!" I tried to hit her, and she dodged it! "hah! you can't even hurt me!" "I already done this more than one time, what does make you say that I won't do it again, bitch!" I throwed her at a wall "ugh..." "that's all you have?" I started to laugth at her she was so weak "that's nothing of my power!" *You started a fight with him, destroying everything in its path* "what's happening here-" ​​​​​both of us looked at nightmare with a surprised face. When she realised that it was nightmare she didn't give a shit about him, she took advantage of me, that I wasn't seeing and she hit me "Ugh! You little bitch, you will pay!" "really? I would love to see you try" I'm going to kill her of the worst way possible!. I failed again, She had foreseen my attack and dodged it, everything remaint silent "you two better have a good reason for this! Mostly you, Dust!" he pointed at me he was angry really angry this time "Killer, get your dirty ass here!" ​​​​​

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