Alois x Reader

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Created: August 29th, 2016 

Alois Trancy x Reader (Black Butler) 

  You, merely a poor girl... scratch that, a homeless girl that had large resemblance to that of a doll, could find no better place to sleep than a dirty alleyway. Back up against a brick wall in your dirty rags that you're forced to call a dress, you begin dozing off to catch sleep.

Just before you found your slumber you hear a light tapping, slightly increasing in sound each time it taps, you recognized these as footsteps. This however was not out of the ordinary for London. Those being the last sounds you heard before the clutches of sleep drag you into a much more tolerable world; your dreams.

3rd P.O.V
A certain blond boy with piercing blue eyes, was strolling down the streets of London with his seemingly emotionless, dark-haired butler. As they cross a particularly dirty street, the blond just happens to peak into an upcoming alleyway with curiosity.
Upon seeing a beautiful -yet unfortunately dirty- doll propped up against the wall as if discarded, the boy points at the object, "Claude I want it!" The booty shorts wearing boy yells to his butler, excitement evident in the young males voice.
The addressed butler, Claude, getting the hidden order within his masters words, simply replies with 'yes your highness' before scooping up the (thought) doll and putting it over his shoulder.
The teen boy now wanting to play with his new found toy, dismisses the rest of the walk only to return to the Trancy manor of which he dwells. With his butler following behind they soon arrive at the Trancy manor only to be notified of something.
2nd P.O.V
A series of faded voices start to prick you out of your slumber. As your grasp of consciousness increased so did the volume of the voices. Finally opening your eyes just the slightest, you see a blond haired boy to your left staring at you with hopeful eyes.
"You're right Claude! It is a girl!"
It didn't take long for your surroundings being way different then what you're used to, to register.
You're eyes still ajar and still half asleep you mange to prop yourself up on your elbows taking in your surroundings before you focus on the blond boy. He is still staring at you with excitement and still on the bed on all fours like he was when you first came to being. You then started to open your eyes more as words soon flew from your mouth, "Who are you?"
Although your tone soft, the blue orbed male still heard you and answered. "I'm Alois Trancy!" He said proudly, "this is the Trancy manor! Where you now live!" The final sentence shocked you. As your eyes widen at his final statement, your clothing catches your eye. As you cast your gaze down you notice the clothing not only was different but was also high quality and a nightgown.
"What...?" You quietly murmured.
"Those clothes were filthy! They don't belong on someone as pretty such as yourself. When you got here I had the maid clean you up and put better clothes on you. Ones that are much more suiting!" The child exclaimed.
Not to long after those words did a man in a butler outfit announce something to the boy named Alois. "Your highness lunch is ready." The butler with golden eyes somewhat hidden by glasses spoke monotonously.
Alois's gaze that had flew to his butler landed on you once again as he opened his mouth. "You slept so long that it's lunch time! Come on! Let's eat!" The Trancy exclaimed, pulling your hand into his and yanking you off the bed as he sprinted down the hallways.
"Where are we going?!" You exclaimed still getting used to the sudden movement.

"To the garden to eat lunch silly! You can change into proper day attire afterwards." He responded.

As you arrive in the garden you see Claude standing by a table with food prepared, two seats, and a set of triplets. "Are you done preparing the table yet!" The previously cheerful Trancy asked in a cold and harsh tone causing you to cringe. The triplets nod before running off somewhere as Alois focused on you once more. "Come on, don't be shy!" The now seemingly bi-polar boy cheered running to one of the seats.
The food tasted amazing and the blond couldn't help but notice you over exaggeratedly enjoying it, as questions started to appear. "Sir," you started but we're soon cut off.
"Alois" he corrected.
"Alois," you paused awaiting approval, "why did you bring me here?" You finished.
"Well I was bored, because as you can see the servants here are pretty boring, so I went out in town. I then saw this pretty doll that someone discarded. It seemed like such a waste to get rid of such a nice doll even if it was filthy, so I thought I should clean it up and restore it's beauty and play with it!" He explained, "but the doll turned out to be alive," he concluded.
~Alois's pov~ with special guest... ~FLASHBACK~
As we arrived in my manor with my new toy that will hopefully keep me amused long enough; I ordered Claude to clean it, "your highness I would like to inform you of one of my suspicions." Un-amused written all over my face I told him to go on. "I believe that this doll is just a regular peasant." He told me.
"Really?" I asked, my attention fully on Claude.
"Yes what would you like me to do?" Claude answered.

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