Chihiro x Reader AU (Confess)

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 Created: October 30th, 2016 

Chihiro Fujisaki x Reader (Danganronpa) 

Slowly you crawled towards your target. Ever so quietly despite the fact you were easily seen; but that didn't matter if that person didn't see you. Just a little more...a little closer...and you pounced!

"Chihiro!" You cheered as you wrapped your arms loosely on the taller female. She let out a slight shrill shriek at your sudden appearance but soon adapted. Although, she did startle a few of her classmates.

"Oh, (Y/N)," She sighed.

"Hi, Chi." You greeted as you kneeled down to the floor. Chihiro was currently doing what she does best; program. You gazed up at the screen as you watched the numbers fly by. Oddly enough, the numbers on the screen and her fingers working on the keyboard was entertaining.

You were the Ultimate Shot. It was quiet odd for someone whom is amazing with a gun to have such a happy and chipper attitude. Even more so, a person of that talent to be friends with the Ultimate programmer, Chihiro Fujisaki, someone who wouldn't dare hurt a fly.

But nonetheless, you were friends. Of course you had to weasel your way into that position. Although Chihiro is a sweet girl, she mainly hangs out with the guys, not usually with the girls. So it took a bit of work, but you were proud of how far you've gotten, to the shy girl.

You continued kneeling on the floor as you watched Chihiro program. "What are you trying to create?" You asked. She didn't reply. She was probably caught up in typing and faded everything out already.

You were proud of your friendship with Chihiro, but somehow, you yearned for a bit more, somehow you fell for her. You didn't even ever really think you were into girls, but it was hard to deny the feelings you had for Fujisaki.

However, around the time you realized your feelings for her was also the same time she started being a bit more jumpy towards you and slightly more distant.


~Chihiro's P.O.V~

"Mondo, I need some advice." I asked my friend.

"Eh? What on? Do you think you're not getting stronger, I told you it takes time." He responded.

"No not that...I, um, I kind of like this girl but I don't know what to do." Mondo should know what to do, right?

"Tell her." Not the type of advice I wanted.

"B-but what if s-she doesn't like me back! What if she gets mad at me for not telling her I'm a boy! What if she wants to stop being my friend!" I stuttered, practically horrified of the idea.

"At least you told her. You don't want to be f*cking moping around your whole life never knowing." He's right.

"Yeah, but what do I say?"

"I-i don't know! I'm not that good with this type of stuff." Mondo turned his head as his cheeks tinted a bit of pink. I guess he's embarrassed; he had told me that when he tried to confess he would just end up screaming the words and scaring them off so it's understandable.

But his blush soon subsided when a voice spoke up, "Bro!"

"Bro!" They both called to each other before getting in a conversation and wrapping their arms on the other.

I was about to leave but Ishimaru spoke to me. "Hello Chihiro how are you!" He shouted.

"Oh, I-i'm fine."

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