Fuyuhiko x Drunk! Reader

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Started: 2017 

Created: August 2nd, 2022 

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Reader (Danganronpa) 

TW: Underage drinking, cheating, suggestive material 

 "Fuyuhiko..." A series of loud noises consisting of yelling, music, and chaos could be heard in the background. "We need your help!" Chiaki raised her voice over the phone in an attempt to make herself heard over the deafening racket.

"What the hell do you want?" The male inquired.

"I can't really explain, but you need to come over,"

"Fine," he grumbled, hanging up the phone. Everyone in their class was currently at a party hosted by Chiaki. Everyone except for Fuyuhiko and Peko that was.

Fuyuhiko had repeatedly stated that having a party was a dumb idea and that they shouldn't do it, but they threw one anyway. Despite not wanting anything to do with said party that he objected to, his soft side got the better of him.

After groaning the entire journey over, the house finally came into view. Through the windows, he could easily get a glimpse of the chaos inside. He walked closer to the house with dread, and all of the possible reasons for why he would be needed flooded his mind.

The answer to the question of, "What went wrong?" was now simply a knock away. He took a deep breath and sighed, preparing himself for the teen hell beyond. Almost immediately after he knocked, the door flew open.

"Good, Fuyuhiko, you're here!" Akane exclaimed, happily. The smile she wore seemed so carefree, as if complete disaster wasn't commencing behind her. "Chiaki, Fuyuhiko's here!"

"Yeah? Why the fuck did you call me over?" He questioned impatiently. It was obvious with all the noise that escaped through the doorway that something had gone wrong, but why couldn't they handle it themselves?

"We called you over because it seems that during the party, somebody spiked the punch..." Chiaki trailed off a bit, "and... well, a lot of people drank the punch."

"Yeah, and it was some pretty heavy liquor too." Akane added. She was no longer smiling, but she didn't look too distressed either.

Fuyuhiko sighed again, biting back every urge to shout something along the lines of, "I told you so,"

"What do you want me to fucking do about it?!"

"Right. The less people to watch after, the better. So we wanted you to take your girlfriend home. It would help a lot." The gamer told him. Even his girlfriend was drunk?

"So, are you and Akane the only people who're sober?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"No, Hajime is fine too..." Chiaki responded, shaking her head, "But unfortunately, he's a little restrained at the moment."

Fuyuhiko cocked his head to the left, attempting to look past Chiaki and Akane to see inside the house. However, he was greeted by the unsettling scenery of a mess and... his girlfriend dancing with Hajime... slow dancing to be specific.

(Y/N) had snuggled herself on Hajime, with almost no space between them. Her head had been pressed up against his chest while she happily danced to a non-existent beat. Despite Hajime looking more troubled during the dance than joyous, jealousy still overcame the yakuza and that prior fact became irrelevant.

Fuyuhiko stormed into the house ready to explode hell on Hinata.

The moment Hajime's gaze landed on Kuzuruyu, he began to protest, having noticed the flame-like look in his eyes, "Wa-wait, this isn't what it looks like!"

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