Nagisa x Stalker! Reader

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 Created: September 12th, 2016 

Nagisa Shiota x Reader (Assassination Classroom) 

   Well...this was different. Remember when you were little and you would just wish upon a star that you would be able to kill a big yellow piece of sushi- I mean octopus? No? Yeah me neither, but that's what happened. You were told to assassinate this creature within a year before it blows up Earth. The target also being your teacher. This was going to be a long year. But it was worth it. For him!

Yeah, it'll definitely be worth it for him. Nagisa Shiota. The boy whom most might mistake for a female given his feminine features and his long hair. Ever since you saw him in your 1st year you had developed a crush for him. You were too shy to tell him so you expressed your love for him in another way.

You followed him around practically everywhere he went, to see everything he does, to see his likes, his dislikes, his friends, and also to see if there was some chick getting way to comfy near him. You called this expression of love 'making sure he is ok' however other people liked to use the term 'stalk'.

Although there were some downsides to this method. You had to stay hidden which meant that no matter how much you wanted to punch the people who were rude to him, you couldn't.

Unfortunately later on Nagisa got transferred into E-class, the End Class. The class all the way up the mountain. That caused a problem. You couldn't watch him if he was all the way up in the old building and you were in the main.

So because of this problem your grades slightly started to slip. When your teacher brought that to your attention, you got an idea.

You purposely did bad on the tests, until finally, you got into E-class. However since you weren't able to stalk him while he was in E-class for quite some time, you had no clue what you were actually getting yourself into. You had no clue about the octopus.

You were told to go to the principals office where you were told to go to E-class and then a guy in a suit explained the Koro-sensei thing. Next week you were in E-class and re-united with him. Now closer than before. Even if you both went to the same school you weren't really ever in the same class; until now!
You have been in 3-E for about a month now. Koro-sensei being your teacher and attempting to kill him was now considered normal for you. You were pretty much friends with everybody, well except for Kaede.
You pretended to be nice and friendly to her, and she bought it, along with everyone else. However, you hated her. She was always way to close to Nagisa. She was dangerously close to Nagisa. She needed to back away from him; he was yours!
Despite your disliking towards the girl you didn't show your true feelings for her. You let them slide and acted like nothing was wrong.
You would often have a journal where you wrote poems to express your hatred rather than snap at the green haired female. Actually speaking of writing poems of the woman who needs to learn her place, that's what you were doing right now. It was just about lunch time and Kayano was talking to Nagisa about pudding.
Karma was at your desk trying to get your attention. Sadly, it wasn't working very well because your eyes were focused on the conversation and movements between Nagisa and Kaede.
The red head finally caught your attention and snapped you out of your daze when his face covered your view.
"Is (Y/N) jealous~?" The sadist teased. Crap! He probably noticed who you were staring at!
"Hm? No. I'm just waiting for Nagisa to finish his conversation with Kayano, so we can eat lunch together per usual." You stated calmly as you got up from your seat.

You walked towards the two people, catching Nagisa's attention.

"Hey, Nagisa we should get going before lunch runs out." You said with a small smile.

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