Diabolik Lovers x Reader (Bathing)

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 Created: November 10th, 2016 

Sakamaki Brothers x Reader (Diabolik Lovers) 

  Coming here was a horrible idea. Emphasis on the horrible! Why did you have to come here?! Well you didn't even really know the answer to that. Your arrival here was now just a blur to you. Probably blocked out, because of all the trauma it gave you. You didn't know what happened, but it was bad!

You were now living in a mansion full of teleporting vampires... and a Yui Komori. You had been bitten by everyone at least once; and have been fought for, by all of them.

As much as other teenage girls would be loving this situation, you were not among that group. No, unfortunately, you didn't have a heart attack at the idea of a bunch of vampires fighting over you for purely just your blood. Oops, hot vampires can't forget that part.

You were currently in the bathroom in front of the full tub, in nothing but a towel and a swim suit. Yes, that's correct, a swim suit. With that pervert Laito around, you were already practically shutting down the idea of bathing! No amount of locks are going to stop him and his perverseness. After-all he could teleport.

You had just began to take your towel off when "Chichinashi!" was repeatedly screamed. You gave out an exasperated sigh at the voice. Nonetheless you continued your way to the bath, hopefully he was talking about Komori instead of you. It was pretty confusing since he would sometimes call you both the same name.

You had one foot in that bath "THERE YOU ARE!!!" Ayato yelled...right...behind...you.

Surprised, you jumped a little, but since one of your two feet were already in the tub, you fell backwards.

"Ow," You muttered under your breath. "What's wrong? What do you need?" You asked trying to hide your irritation.

"Make me takoyaki!" He ordered.

"I'm trying to take a bath, can't you ask Yui?" He tch'ed at your response.

"She's passed out." He responded.

"Wake her." You mumbled, "Can't I make some after my bath?" You reasoned, Ha! That was your first mistake.

"No!" He stated, "I want takoyaki, so make me some now; unless you want to be punished." he stated.

Another sigh escaped your lips before you got yourself off the ground, "Fine,"

After making his takoyaki and telling him you were going to take your bath now, you were met with another annoying sight.

Shu, was in...the tub. You walked towards him, seriously considering whether or not to bring a pillow to hit him with, in the end deciding not to let your aggravation get the best of you, as you tapped his shoulder.

He lazily opened one eye to look at you, "Hey, can you get out of the tub, I want to take a bath." You stated plainly.

Those words going to deaf ears, he responded with "What do you want, lewd women?"

'If you turned your music down, read my lips, or took off the ear buds you'd freaking know!' you screamed internally getting fed up with these boys.

You weren't going to take this. Going further with this conversation would only end in punishment. Yui was asleep right? That means her bathroom is unoccupied. You made up your mind. You picked up your towel and gave an inaudible 'nothing' to the boys previous question, before leaving the room.

Luck, however, was one thing that was laughing in your face right now because you just had to bump into another vampire that wanted something of you.

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