Diabolik Lovers x Child! Reader (Beach Time Madness)

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Created: May 31st, 2017 

Sakamaki Brothers x Reader (Diabolik Lovers) 

(A/N: Reader is about 6 years old here. Love and relationships toward the reader are familial and platonic.) 

Currently, the car was a tiny bit crowded. Laito was sat in the passenger seat while Ayato was driving the car. You were in the back, in between your mom, Yui, and your uncle, Kanato. It was supposed to be a fun beach day with your mom and dad, however, Laito decided to tag along.

This made your father fume and left only the 'beach day' part remaining. Even worse, Laito brought Kanato. His intentions couldn't be clearer, given the fact he flat out told Ayato why he decided to come.

"I just thought of how fun it would be to bug you!" You still remembered his words.

Surprisingly, on your way to the beach, you were traveling in an actual car, not a limo. Even more surprising, Laito had found a way to convince your father to allow him and Kanato to carpool.

"Are we there yet?" You asked.

"No." Ayato answered.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Will you stop asking! We're still at the same red light, we're not even moving!" He yelled.

"My car seat's uncomfortable though, I don't want to sit in it anymore. It's even more annoying with my swimsuit." You pouted as you squirmed around inside.

As time passed by, an hour seemed to fly and before you knew it, the 5 of you finally made it to the beach. However, something seemed off, it was completely empty and no sound except the lovely melody of the sea could be heard.

"Where is everyone?" Yui asked as she looked around.

"It's a private beach!" Laito responded.

"I had it shut down for the day so we could have fun without any interruptions..." Ayato answered. "Unfortunately, the only people allowed in, are by name rather than by person...So if they're a Sakamaki they can come..."

"Fun!" You exclaimed.

No time had been wasted, before you dashed down the sand and to the water; ignoring the hot sand as it burned your feet to a light red. Ayato began chasing after you as your glee seemed to be contagious.

You jumped in the water just as it reached the sand, soon retreating back to the sea. A big grin was placed on your face as you began to go further into the ocean. Sadly, your adventure was cut short when your father picked you up by your waist and flung you over his shoulder.

"You don't have your floaties on, you can't go in the water." He stated, causing you to frown.

Ayato walked back over to his wife whom was currently laying down a towel on the sand. The umbrella, of which was already buried, produced a nice shade over it.

You managed to wiggle your way out of your father's grasp before running to your mother. "Mommy can I have my floaties!? I want to go in the water now!" You pleaded jumping up and down.

Yui sat on the towel as she went through the beach bag. A few minutes passed and Yui seemed confused.

"Ayato, you remembered to pack the floaties, right?" Yui questioned as she rummaged through the bag, vigorously.

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