The beginning

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Nine and Eight had just met and already had some mixed feelings about each-other, Nine saw Eight as a chill "dude" while Eight saw Nine as an annoying 90's stereotype who had only been used as comedic relief. Eight had felt relief in the sub-count despite it being a spotlight which she had never cared about.

Eight: "Finally some peace! I do miss being at home but it's better than having to hear Six and Seven fighting each night or probably Nine blasting some sort of music or weird shows from the 90's."

Eight soon sees a figure rushing around the area, said figure appeared to be rushing over to Eight at some pretty alarming rates. Out of panic Eight tries to yell at the figure to slow down, this doesn't work and the figure crashes into Eight.

Nine: "I'm sorry bro I wasn't looking or paying attention while skateboardi-"
Eight: "Seriously skateboarding in the middle of the night?! Ugh look sorry for seeming rude just watch out next time."
Nine: "Will do-"

Nine soon picks up his skateboard and leaves the area while leaving he starts feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest, this feeling is one he's never actually felt so of course he started panicking thinking the crash could've made his heart start to breaking down. Eight had felt angry about the crash but tried her best to calm down and not start gaining stress because of a dumb situation that had happened. She decided letting it all out was her best option mainly because nobody would see her or hear her since she was alone, she proceeded to cry herself to sleep that night.

 She decided letting it all out was her best option mainly because nobody would see her or hear her since she was alone, she proceeded to cry herself to sleep that night

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Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Where stories live. Discover now