Feelings Change and Problems get worse

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Eight's nightly schedule had been going on for about a few weeks and the more she hangs with nine the more she had a realization.

Eight: *Sigh* Another Night another sneak...Why am I still doing this? Nine told me that I can literally borrow stuff from him last week! Why do I still go?! What if I... No. That can't be it there's no way I enjoy nines company... welp here goes nothing

While Eight had been setting everything up she hadn't noticed the figure watching from the corner. When She had tried to go to nines place again she soon had felt a sudden tug on her arm.

Eight: Huh?! Hey! LET GO!
???: Why should I?! I'm not letting you break our sub-count!
Eight: Wait... that voice... FOUR?!

It turned out that Eight had spent to much time talking to herself about her feelings that she didn't notice the time. It had been that time of day where Four had checked the sub-count!

Four: And I thought I could trust you! You know you're smart Eight this has to be the best damn trick that's ever been pulled...But guess what I CAUGHT YOU!

                            To be continued

Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Where stories live. Discover now