The Start of a Secret between Opposites

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Eight: Wait!

Nine stops in his tracks and looks back at Eight. 

Eight: Well to answer your question yes...I am single... 

Nine: Thanks for letting me know Eight face. 

Eight: And if you'd like well...I would love to go out with you sometime...

Nine blushes and tries to processes what had just happened.

Nine: Heh Heh- You- The most serious number AKA my complete opposite would love to go out on a date with ME?! 

Eight: Yeah, of course we can't let the others know! 

Nine: Well obviously! They'd never get of our backs if they found out! 

Eight: Exactly! Well see you tonight Nine.

Nine: Yeah see ya.

Nine heads to his place while Eight is left to question what she just did. She had asked Nine Out! She feels happy but worried about what she'll do, Nine was right they're complete opposites to each other! They're less balances than a weight on a fragile egg!

(Using Gacha Nox for official designs now! This is Eight)

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(Using Gacha Nox for official designs now! This is Eight)

Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Where stories live. Discover now