Secret escape

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Eight had just woken up from her nap her head hurt and her body was aching, she knew she couldn't stay like this for long she had to find a way to sneak back home or to at least stay with another algebralien, but how?!

Eight: "I can't deal with this place! It's way to uncomfortable to even do anything in, maybe I can sneak out! But how...I can't go home four checks to see if I had left to sleep there, I'd have to stay with someone! Someone who doesn't know the sub count rules!...I got it!"

That afternoon she had asked six to help her with something that could be used to in her little escape.

Six: "So you wanna make a doll of yourself to place here at the sub-count so you can go sleep at Nine's house?"
Eight: "Yeah exactly that!"
Six: "Just one question- are you and Nine together or something?-"
Eight: "Oh absolutely not- we're more like minor acquaintances that's it."
Six: "Oh- ok I guess-"
Eight: "Well you gonna help me or not?"
Six: "Of course I am just wait a sec."

After a few silent seconds they continued to work on the figure

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After a few silent seconds they continued to work on the figure. They'd spent nearly the whole day working with small breaks. Finally they competed it, the doll looked completely identical to eight, later that night Eight tried to see if her plan worked and put everything in place. After she had done that she went and snuck into Nine's house.
Eight: "Geez this is really tight to get through!"
Nine: "Heh that's what she said also what are you doing in my house-"
Eight: "Shit- um my apologies but I'm trying to break into your house to actually get comfortable sleep."
Nine: "So you're asking to sleep with me?"
Eight: "No but well yes just don't word it like that, it makes you sound ready for something not so friendly for our viewers"
Nine: "What do you mean by that bro?"
Eight: "Just- never mind also don't call me bro I'm not your "Bro" I'm not even a boy I'm a girl!"
Nine: "You don't sound like a usual dudette but alright I'll just call you "sis" then."
Eight: "Umm ok- just don't call me that in public alright."

Nine: "Alright Eight Face

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Nine: "Alright Eight Face."
Eight: "Don't call me that."
Nine: "No can do Eight Face."
Eight: "God you're annoying."
Nine: "Well make yourself at home."
Eight: "Umm can I sleep on the couch or on a mattress."
Nine: "The couch is so uncomfortable just sleep in my bed with me it won't be weird."
Eight: *mumbles* "Yeah until I start snoring..."
Nine: "What was that Eight Face?"
Eight: "Nothing- Nothing at all."
Nine: "Alright let's go then."

Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Where stories live. Discover now