Unexpected meetups

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While Four was checking the sub-count he had ran into an "old pal of his" when going back home. This "friend" had been his enemy who had came for a little unexpected visit.
Four: "Two?! What the hell are you doing here?! And what happened to you did your contestants beat the living hell out of you or something?!"
Two: "Well hello to you as well Four and to answer that little question, yes, exactly that happened."
Four: "HA! You totally deserved that! Now WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"
Two: "Chill out Four I just wanted to see a friend of mine."
Four: "I'm not your friend Two."
Two: "You know my life doesn't revolve around you Four, I was actually going to see Five."
Four: "Then why are you talking to me?"
Two: "Obviously to ask you where he is silly."
Four: "Oh- Well the nut job is at home probably sleeping."
Two: "Thank you! And next time be more polite to your guests."
Four: "You aren't a "guest" here Two you're just a mistake who happens to live in the playground like everyone else."
Two: "Says you."
Four: "Shut up!"
Two: "Well buh bye Silly Four."

Two leaves Four and goes over to fives house for a cup of tea and to have a little chat before he heads back to the hotel.
Two: *knocks on Fives door*
Five: *opens the door* "Hello?"
Two: "Hey Five I was wondering if you'd like to chat and maybe have a drink"
Five: "Oh yeah sure that seems splendid thanks for coming over as well I don't usually get guests here."
Two: "No problem and no need to thank me I just wanted to get together with my good pal!"
Five: "Heh, Well come inside aren't you cold?"
Two: "I sure am!"

Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Where stories live. Discover now