friends? what friends?

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ok so basically lance and brew went to the same college and theyr in their senior year, both of them took majors in business and law and their both 21, also lance is hot ok hes heaping garbage rn but just envision him being hot. 

now we start lol

September. Just around the corner. That meant back to sub chilly weather, to people getting ready for Halloween prematurely, to pumpkin spice lattes, and it also meant back to college for him. He loves learning, taking in information. But he doesn't like the campus. So many people, so many different things that could go wrong, and he couldn't hide away in his own world as often anymore. On his month long break, he was able to get some sleep, and even had a few real meals here and there. But it was back to coffee and instant ramen, dozing in and out of rem sleep, and waking up in cold sweats at his desks for the next several months. He wasn't really looking forward to it. 

All of his classes were filled with new students, and he hated new people. As long as I don't talk to them, they probably won't talk to me, he thought. I'll just focus on my work. My work is my life. Friends will just interrupt that. He continued to think, his mind pacing as he walked into the schools entrance, the halls crowded with students. He counted the numbers as he passed by the classrooms. 211, 212...213....214. He walked in, and immediately pulled his head down, heading for the back of the classroom, sitting down in a seat next to a window in the corner of the classroom. 

As he settled down, he took out a book and began reading. It was a school manual, he was trying to learn more about his class, and his teacher. As he read down the list of names, trying to see if anyone familiar would appear, there was a loud noise coming from the front of the classroom. It had been relatively calm with students silently filing in, ambient conversation here and there. Brew jerked up at the sound of screaming from his professor.


next to the old man stood a lean, tan man in a navy blue polo and straight black jeans. He wore a silver chain and had light brown hair, put to one side of his face. "Im walking into my class, I'm pretty sure thats what Im doing."

"Then WHY on EARTH is there a SPRAY PAINT can in your HANDS?" Brews eyes gestured to the students hands, they held a tin can of red spray paint, his hands covered in small sputters of red. Oh. This was not about to go that well.

"Because Im a creative person. I dont even know WHY they didnt let me major in art. fuckin psychos." The professors face grew red.

"Lance Francis, if you give me reason why I shouldn't call the police immediately and have you arrested for vandalization of school property-"

"It wasn't school property." He cut off. "Nobody to call, big guy. And this is my class, so you can't kick me outta here for no real reason." Great. Another loud mouth brat who thinks he owns the place. Brew hated those kinds of people the most. Loud, obnoxious people who had no respect for studies or authorities. They just got on his nerves. How are they so brave? So themselves? He rolled his eyes and looked down, back at the manual in his lap. Until he was interrupted again.

"Go have a seat in the back." Brew looked around. All the seats were filled. Except the one next to him. Seriously?? Lance trotted up to the desk next to Brew, large black duffle bag next to him. He sat down in the seat, legs spread out, back on the back of the chair, like he didn't belong in a class like this. Dusting off his red paint-covered hands onto his hands, he looked next to him. There sat Brew, a tired frame, sitting as if he were closing himself into his chair, heavy bags under his eyes, long, straight cream colored hair, and large, round glasses. He wore a brown vest over a white collar with a black tie and dark brown pants. 

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