in the morning

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Brew moved Lance's neck with his hand, and breathed out a slow, hot streak of breath onto it, loosening his grip. Internally, he was about to die. I'm really gonna kiss a boy? Am I really about to do this? And the answer was there. He looked at Lance, his eyes big under his eyelashes, and his face hot and red. Brew slowly parted his lips, leaning into him, their lips now a single breath away, his tongue almost touching Lance's, when-

The sound of the door flying open with a large thud.


It was Spill. A large umbrella accompanied her. But when she saw them both wide eyes and red staring at her, she knew that Brew was at least safe. Then she saw where Lance's hands were. And saw Brew wasn't wearing any pants. And she also made note of the fact that Brew was quite literally sitting on top of Lance. And she just let it sit there for a minute, trying to register what exactly it was she was looking at. She didn't have much time to let the image burn into her head, because Brew quite literally leaped out of Lance and tried to act casual as possible, but he covered up his entire face in embarassment. Lance did the same, letting out a few coughs before trying to take a sip of the hot chocolate that was now in his hands. Only it was empty. He pretended not to notice Spill for a few seconds, and she just stood in the living room, a look of confusion on her face. Lance looked up at her, and made a show of "just realizing" she was there.

"Oh! Hey Spill! What brings you here? I thought you were-uh-at your parent's house!" He tried to smile in a generous way, but he really wasnt fooling anyone. She stood there a moment longer before responding, fixing her posture.

"I got your text?" She said, waving her phone in the air, with Lance's contact open. "You asked me where Brew was? And then I asked if he was with you but you left me on delivered. So i assumed the worse and drove over here from my parent's place." She shot brew a look and he dared to glance up at her. "I can see that he was with you though." She smirked. "Sorry, was I...interrupting something?" Lance choked on the hot chocolate that he was totally drinking, stuttering over his words to try to find an excuse. Brew cut in instead

"N-no! Not at all! Not at-we weren't-" 

"Its not what it looked like. we aren't-we were just-"

"I got-I couldn't find anywhere to stay so I-"

"I was just offering him some-I gave him a-"

"Yea he was-just-yea."

Spill gave them both an intensely spectical look. "Ooookayyyy...I totally believe you...ignoring the fact that you just had your hands in between Brew's thighs and Brew just had his hand around your neck, I can totally understand that nothing sexual or romantic was going on there. Obviously." She made her way over to the counter, closing her umbrella, making a show of leaning on her elbows. "Because all friends just cuddle with eachother while watching..." She turned to the TV to see what was playing, and it just happened to be the opening scene to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Rocky horror." She said. Brew looked up at the TV in confusion, and Lance looked up at the TV in embarrassment. 

"It was set to a movie channel!" He tried defending. "That literally-we weren't watching that." She gave him an unimpressed look.

"Then what were you watching?" 

He paused. He had no idea what they were watching. He couldn't remember anything from the TV because he wasn't paying attention. Fuck. He thought to himself. Wow. I'm so stupid. He changed the subject. The text. He never sent that, did he? He opened his phone, a puzzled look on his face. He tried to recall the memories, and remembered he was going to, but then he got startled from the knocking on the door. He must have accidentally hit send. Oh well. "Sorry about the text, Spill-I got busy. Couldn't respond." Lance looked away, and Brew smiled a bit at that.

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