dumb and drunker (kinda heat not really)

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in the middle of rewriting this my dad walked in and i panicked and shut all my tabs and it didn't save it was like 4245 words so yea. thats great. thats so amazing. im not ok. 

yea mild heat nothing rly happens i promise guys but tl;dr if you wanna get a summary

He stayed there for a bit. Brew was passed out. He knew nobody would take him home. Maybe Spill would, but he still doubted it. He knew Brew couldn't call a cab himself. Maybe Spill could, but he didn't want her to. Because he wanted to make sure he got home safe. He sat with his arms still around Brew, and when he saw that Brew's eyes were still, just barely open, he raised his hand up to close them, to shelter him, to make sure he would forget. He wanted him to forget. He knew he'd forget. It made him sad, though. It was wishful thinking to believe Brew would ever act like that sober. But he brushed it aside.

He slowly roped his arms around him, holding him from his back and his legs, and Brew fell into his side, his chest rising and falling slowly, and just barely too, as he slept. His hair was sticking to his forehead, and his shirt was ruffled and bunched up near his back. He walked out of the bathroom with him in his hands, brushing past people, just barely paying attention, when he stopped. It wasn't like someone was trying to stop him, but the words built up a wall in front of him.

"Is that the kid who always gets in trouble?" 

"what is he even doing here"

"i knew he was gay. Look, hes holding that other guy."

"Who even is that? Is that Brew?"

"Think hes queer too?"

"Gross. Where do you think hes taking him?"

"Probably to his house?"

"Thats fucked up. Brew doesn't deserve that"

"Oh please. He's probably as much of a faggot as Lance is."

He felt his skin burn. He felt like he was going to kill someone. But he looked at Brew, who was sleeping uninterrupted, and decided to just calm down and walk out, to his car.

He opened the passenger seat door, putting Brew in, watching him stir in his sleep, before closing the door softly and going to his part of the car, opening and closing the door before driving in the direction of the dorms. It was a short drive, thankfully. Only around 15 minutes. He zoned out most of the ride though, just pressing his foot down whenever he had too, and he only used one hand to drive, putting the other on the arm ledge next to him. He looked to Brew. Still sound asleep. Watched him stir again, creasing his eyebrows and felt a cold hand on his own, as brews elbow was now touching his, sharing the armrest. He looked over to Brew, sleeping soundly, and smiled softly. He got to a red light, and tried to feel his head. He didn't have a fever, thankfully, and if he did it had calmed down by then. He felt his arms, his hands next, and realized he was cold. He reached to the back of his car and pulled out a warm zippered hoodie, putting it softly around Brew, watching him relax into it when he finished, and kept driving.

He made it to the dorms, parking his car, and looking back over to brew, and sitting there for a second. It was 11. Not too late, but still not all that early either. He got out of the car, quietly as to not wake him up, and looked to see if anyone was around the campus. From what he got, it was a no. So he opened the passanger door, and carefully slipped his arms behind Brew's back, and underneath his legs, stopping whenever he could see Brew's head twitch or feel him move, before he finally picked him up again, closing the door with his foot and walking towards the elevators, pressing the button to the 8th, and looked down to Brew to see his eyes fluttering open slowly. Shit. He might not sleep if he stays up. Lance now had a new objective, keep the poor cat he was holding in his hands asleep, and make sure he forgets everything that happened. Lance didn't know if he could handle the rejection the morning after. But Brew just looked straight forwards, slowly processing why he was up in the air when he looked up at Lance. And when he did, he just smiled and leaned more into Lance's side, making Lance's heart skip a beat a little. They finally arrived, and Brew was far from able to walk, so Lance carried him to his room, opening the door with the keys he had in his pocket and entering to see that Brew's room was actually in a better state than before. Well, mainly only his bedroom. He had replaced the sheets and got a new bed, the sheets were grey and white, but they looked yellow because of a small lamp he had. There were some clothes tossed on the floor, and a few papers on his desk. He lowered to unlatch Brew from his arms, and at first Brew hesitated, not wanting to let go, but eventually he did, his eyes still open. 

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