sleep well?

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"shhh hes still asleep, grill!" a young boy with short blonde hair and a blue long sleeve held up a finger to another younger boy who wore red overalls, his hair was blonde and he had a bowl cut. Grill took the finger away from his face.

"Yea but its the perfect time to prank him, chill! We should draw on his face!" He smiled deviously, thinking of all the things he could do to the poor man that's sleeping somewhat peacefully.

"No, thats mean! Uncle Brew is sleeping and he never sleeps!" Chill cut in, when Spill emerged from the kitchen suddenly, looking at the young boys in a scolding manner, holding a fresh cup of tea in one of her hands, and an ice pack in the other.

"Thats right, Chill. Grill, don't try to pull anything funny, ok? Now do you want him to wake up to see that you haven't finished your homework yet?" This made the boys' faces flood with realization as they both raced each other to Grill's bedroom, fighting over who got to play with which toy when they were finished with their work. Spill made her way over to the couch in the common area, sitting down beside Brew, checking his head with the back of her hand. It was hot. She gently placed an ice pack on his forehead, causing Brews face to wince a bit at the shock. Fighting off his tiredness, he decided to let curiosity get the better of him, as he slowly blinked awake. When he registered that he was on a cushioned surface, he jumped up, panic stricken eyes, letting out a large gasp.


"Grill and Chill's for tutoring?" Spill cut in, an empathetic, soft look on her face. This caused him to look around, registering his surroundings as familiar. The dots slowly connected in his head. Yesterday. Spill. Lance. Hate crime. Paramedics. Weak knees. And then it must have all went black.

He looked to his side to see Spill sipping from a cup, and remembered. Spill. My friend. I have a friend now, right? Yea, right. He slowly relaxed, letting his guard down. "What happened? Where's Lance?" He asked. 

"After you tried to carry Lance to the first floor, you fainted because of sleep depravity and, as the doctors soon found out, starvation and lack of iron." She took a sip from her tea, watching Brew's face contort from curious to anxious and worried. "The paramedics took care of Lance. He's in the hospital right now. They also took you in to check up on you. I was assigned to take care of you after they couldn't get hold of your parents. They said you needed rest and a balanced diet for the next few weeks." Her face morphed into one of worry and solemness. "Brew, do you realize how serious that is? The doctors asked me about what I knew about you, and they're planning to diagnose you with extreme insomnia and generalized anxiety." She said, as Brew's eyes perked up, a bit clueless, not knowing what to say or think at all. Insomnia? Anxiety? But, I've passed out like that so many times before...

He faced the floor. "I'm so sorry..." was all he could mutter, face flooded in shame and worry. She's gonna think I'M a freak now. He winced. His body felt sore and cold, he didn't know how long he had passed out for. Most of the time he would just pass out at his desk, or on his floor with full cups of coffee in his hand, before quickly waking up and splashing cold water on his face, cursing himself for feeling so sleepy. Over the summer he had averaged 4 hours of sleep every few days, but those were only on good days. Most of the time he'd only get periodic moments of weariness, turning into short episodes of micro-sleeps. Was it really that bad? 

Spill held brews arm gently, and looked up at him, a kind look on her face. "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything. You need to get some rest. You've been asleep since 7pm yesterday, its 2:30pm now. That's a good start." Brew looked down at his hands. 7,8,9,10...that's over 18 could i sleep for so long, so carelessly, while Lance is in the hospital, having Spill watch over me like this?  Lance... Lance! I have to apologize to  him-

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