Lizzie is a sea person rare and very powerful she can talk to sea animals and breathe underwater she has beautiful dolphins grace and she is blessed by royalty one day she swam up to shore. She saw people her own age playing and laughing liz longed...
Lizzie: I feel like making a war room! I need to go to the nether for some blackstone and soul sand! After furious nether trip Lizzie: Aargh! Get outta here hoglin! (Kills Hoglin) Lizzie: Gathered enough redstone to complete my world map! Finally! Waitt... instead of being stupid and making my own maps... I use the other empires maps! When they update their maps. My maps will be updated too! Why am I so stupid? After finishing map saga Lizzie: I'm so tired! But I am going to decorate my war room! And my enemies! I don't really know my enemies! Probably Joey, Xornoth and Fwhip? I have no idea! But I hate Joey! Lizzie POV: Wait Jimmy left me a note
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Lizzie POV: Jimmy needs me! I must go to his meeting room! At the meeting Jimmy: Okay so Fwhip and his gang has stolen the cod father head! And we need to get it back! Pix: I hear that they built a fortress in the forest and inside the fort is the cod head Joel: Okay so the plan is we get in the fort get the head then leave? Jimmy: Yes Katherine: But what is it's a trap? Maybe they are tricking us? Who told you about the fort Pix? Pix: I don't know I got a note.. but I think it's true.. Katherine: Okay I trust you Pix.. but I'm still not sure it's not dodgy.. at the fort Katherine: Guys I'm getting some really weird vibes from this place... Lizzie: How about Katherine stays here and if we don't make it out.. she can call for help? Everyone agreed that was a sound plan Pix: Joel your boots turned the water into ice! Lizzie POV: Thank god Joel saved those helpless axolotls! Jimmy: Lizzie you have to take on the water temple. Lizzie: Pieces of cake! Jimmy: Don't get too cocky Lizzie Lizzie: Yeah yeah Lizzie POV: Ha! I'm the Queen of The Sea! Jimmy thinks i might drown! No way Poo Zay! (Sorry I normally say no way poo zay!) After The maze of creepers Jimmy: How much do you want it? It's the head! Lizzie: Well then break it! (Jimmy breaks it) Pix: Katherine was right it was a trap! Lizzie: We are in the end! Uh oh.. the dragon woken up! Joel: We have to kill the dragon Fwhip: No! If you kill the dragon a demon will be unleashed on the world! We have to keep the dragon alive!! Lizzie here are end crystals place them on the obsidian towers and they would heal the dragon! Lizzie: Okay! Joel: Lizzie what are you doing?! (Hurt expression) Lizzie:... sorry.... After they killed the dragon Xornoth: Perfect now it begins.... Everybody: Arghh! Pix: Get in the portal! Leave!
Xornoth: hehe they don't know what happens.... CLIFFHANGER! EXCITED! HUGS AND KISSES NOVA!