Lizzie is a sea person rare and very powerful she can talk to sea animals and breathe underwater she has beautiful dolphins grace and she is blessed by royalty one day she swam up to shore. She saw people her own age playing and laughing liz longed...
Lizzie POV: Joel is sick of the crown now and he's giving it away! It might be my chance to get the crown! All the other empires rulers are competing too! I'm nervous and excited at the same time! I can't believe it! (At the Mezalean Gameshow) Sorry but time skip! So lazy and I forgot half the questions!
Filmed by Joel Internet: Get away from the Mesa internet.
Lizzie: I got a head! (Gets Katherine's head.) Pearl: Oh no (Dies) Lizzie: Yes! I am the emperor! Joel : Congrats Lizzie! What is your rule? Lizzie: My rule is to only eat cake! (Groans) Lizzie: Good Luck! Byeeee! Joel: This was a mistake wasn't it? Everybody: Yes (grumbles and murmurs) Ocean Empire
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Lizzie: New thing to build. A bakery! Firstly I need to get a farmer who sells cake. After 2 days Lizzie: Finally! Now time to get rid of this Phantom Membrane! Eww! Had to stay up all night to get a farmer but finally! Hello Villager! How about you move out of this messy market and have a bakery? I take that as a yes! Say goodbye to the smelly podzol covered paths and hello to your brand new bakery! Now. I need to go get some farm animals that can provide me with some ingredients for cake. You see my animals with get the ingredients and my lovely friend here can trade some cake! Such a perfect plan for survival and money! But I should've made everyone eat and ocean delicacy! Suspicious Stew! Made from the finest kelp and from some pickles and fish who have volunteered to sacrifice their lives to be turned into a delicacy! I should get some sort of guard who kills people if they don't eat the cake!