The Dragon Tamers [23]

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I lay in my bed, starfished on top of the covers reminiscing my childhood when the sharp twang of something small hitting my window made me bolt upright in bed. I neared the window from the side, sussing out the source of the noise. As I peered down, Fenwir nervously glanced around, a small pile of pebbles in his left hand. He threw another stone and glanced around once more, mortified of being caught snooping around the Queen's quarters. I smiled to myself, I felt like a young girl again, discovering boys and sneaking out at night. Before he could throw another stone, I opened both window doors wide open and sat on the window sill.

"Hi," A smile stretched across his face "Can I come up?"

"Head of the Guard visiting the Queen through her window at this hour? What ever will the neighbours think?!" I quietly giggled. I beckoned him up with my hand. Without his armor, Fenwir was incredibly agile. He took a running start, bounced off the house, onto a tree and propelled himself onto the window sill next to me. Lust burned in his eyes, it ignited a fire that tingled my body, rippling through my skin. He grabbed the back of my head forcefully, his fingers sliding into my thick white mane. As he curled his fingers into a fist, he tugged at my hair. In pain and pleasure I closed my eyes as he pulled me into him, his lips were warm and inviting with a hint of salt, he had been training today. My hands clutched his face and traced his jaw line, his skin was rough from his five o'clock shadow. I ran my hands through his thick, soft, blue hair, almost envious of how knot free it naturally was. Passion surged through me as his free hand explored my body, grasping at the dress strings on my back.

I broke from our kiss and inhaled sharply, recollecting my passion frazzled brain. Before he could speak, I flitted over to my bed, a little more comfortable than a window sill.

"Feluna, I..." He approached me slowly, deliberately, and a little shy.

"I just want to cuddle." My hands slid under his shirt, brushing over every defined muscle, " I'm not that kind of Elf."

Don't lie to yourself Feluna, you want more, you want everything... do you really want to fight what your body craves?

Dear brain, shut up. I got this.

He smiled down at me, I was relieved we were on the same page... somewhat. My body ached and twitched, craving a man's intimate company. It would have to settle for cuddles tonight. I pushed my urge to tear off his clothes and ravage him back into its cage.

Settle down libido, I know I haven't satisfied you for a long time but you are not blowing this for me.

I mentally high-fived and scolded myself at an excellent joke.

"I really like you 'luna, and I'm not gonna lie to you, I just want to tear off your dress and ravage you till dawn... but we're not going to do that, we're going to slow it right down yeah?" He looked straight at me, I felt special, I felt... loved.

"Yeah, slow. I don't wanna rush this." I hope I matched his loving gaze for I was truly falling in love.

A.N: I know this is incredibly short and I sincerely apologise!! Writing romantic scenes are new and scary to me and I hit a major writing block. All constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

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