The Dragon Tamers [12]

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I have no recollection of the amount of time that passed, but I know it had been a fair while by the time I had fully recounted the events that had happened in the past week or so.

Mokrush was hunched over in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands supported his chin.

"Bad news indeed," He straightened up, leaning back in his chair, mildly overwhelmed by all these new factors. "I had only heard myths about Uck, nothing more. I do not want to see you suffer through what my nation and I are suffering through now. I need to meet with advisors, but at the current moment, I will support you."Mokrush stood and beat his chest once then thrust his fist outwards as if he were punching the air - the sealing of an oath.

My heart did a little backflip and my stomach had butterflies. I was so overjoyed that I had the support of the fierce Orcs, I felt a small sliver of hope re-appear before me. I grasped at this metaphorical sliver, clutching it tight and locking it away, deep in the recesses of my heart.

"Although, Queen Feluna, I do warn you. It seems we are going to fight a losing war; hate and rage alone can not win this."

"I haven't allowed myself to resign to that reality yet." I gave him a weak smile as it truly sunk in; it was likely I would lose this war and lose my life. I could not let that mindset take over and control me though, I had to remain strong, for my people, for the Dragons, for the sake of my own sanity.

"I will order the historians to start looking into this 'Uck'," He said the word with distain; the Orcs never had an affection for magic or potions. "Perhaps your Head of the Guard has a point, there might be an antidote for this poison." He smiled at me and left the room, Fenwir entered soon after to take me to the feast.

I was surprised Fenwir could navigate this labyrinth of staircases and hidden passages. We took countless turns, climbed and descended many stairs, later did I learn that he was following a faint red line on the floor that always lead to the feasting hall.

The feasting hall was huge - 10 Dragons could have easily fit into the hall with room to spare. Long tables ran in parallel lines up and down the room, normally at an occasion like this the high ranking soldiers, dignitaries and advisors would be at the tables. The hall had been transformed into a make shift shelter for the displaced victims of the recent attacks. The people seemed quite upbeat though as they laughed and ate at the tables, what little belongings they had were stacked along the walls.

Fenwir lead me to the far end of the hall and ushered me to sit to the right of Mokrush; the seat of the honored guest. At the head table, we ate in silence, watching the people as they mourned the loss of family and friends, but also watched as they began to rekindle their lives, making new friends and banding together to make plans for the future. The War Chief was right though, there was a strange aura of rage pulsating from the crowd before us. It was not obvious at first but it was most definitely there, and it was getting stronger.

The mixed emotions in the room created a sort of hum. I glanced at Mokrush, he looked at me out of the corner of his eye and grinned wholeheartedly. I could sense his spirits were beginning to lift as he fed off the growing hope in his people.

We spent the night at Grol Graah, our Dragons were being cared for by the wolf raisers. Even though they had never seen a Dragon, let alone care for one, they took very good care of Beogin and the others. Dragon....wolf...scales...fur... minor differences!

The following morning I had an anxious wait outside the main meeting room as Mokrush met with his advisors and officials. Stressed, I paced outside the meeting room, I was sure I left a groove in the floor from all my walking. My head was a flurry of thoughts, all whizzing by too fast not allowing me to dwell on a thought for any longer than a moment.

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