The Dragon Tamers [7]

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It was a shame I didn't have time to admire the beautiful walk to the barracks and training grounds. A fairly wide dirt path was worn into the meadow from years of soldiers and carts trampling the grass. The meadow was flat with long grass growing on it that danced gracefully as a breeze drifted through La'Laish. The soldiers learnt reconnaissance the hard way here, the objective was to get as close to the commander as he sat on his horse reading a book. The first 5 soldiers that were able to get close enough to the commander to see the title of the book without being noticed got a 3 day rest and relaxation pass away from base. However, should soldiers be spotted by the commander, they were pelted with pebbles and forced to start all over again, right at the other side of the meadow.

I giggled out loud as I remember being asked to fill in for the commander one day. Fenwir was still a training soldier at this time and I had absolute sheer joy pelting him with pebbles multiple times; he definitively did not have a knack for being stealthy.  

Before I could continue to reminisce, I was at the barracks doors, I must have been walking pretty fast, I was a little out of breath. The soldiers manning the turrets must have seen me coming. I didn't need to stop to wait for the enormous wooden doors to open, they were already open and the best of the best, the Elite Guard, were lining a path leading to The Head of the Guard, Fenwir.

"My Queen." Fenwir knelt to the ground, and kissed my hand. I motioned for him to stand. 

"I have created a new training schedule for the commander to enforce, in preparation for the war," Fenwir motioned for a solider to come forth and take the parchment from me, he hurried off to find the commander. I turned towards the soldiers, they had rearranged themselves into perfect lines. "I will need 8 of my best men to accompany me to our neighbour's lands as we seek aid from them. It is a great honor to ride by my side on Dragon-back, I will let The Head of the Guard decide. Those who are chosen may never return, so be cautious if you choose to accept." 

I looked at the soldiers in their eyes, none of them met my gaze but all of them looked ready to defend their nation in a heartbeat. That's why they are my Elite Guard, you must train all your life and with a little luck, you'll end up in this squad. Work even harder and you'll end up as Head of the Guard, the man who reports directly to me.

I didn't have much time it was already past noon and I really needed to get going to the Orc lands. I nodded at Fenwir as he stood in front of his troops, he understood we needed to get going. He yelled out 8 names, each soldier accepted their quest whole-heartedly, we mounted horses and galloped towards the Dragon keep. 

When we arrived, I was glad to see everything had been prepared for me, it took a load off my shoulders, and if it were up to me, I would have forgotten something crucial.  The stable master helped me onto Beogin's back, handed me the reigns and a small map of the most direct route from La'Laish to the Orcish capital of Grol Graah. I studied the map for a moment, generating a mental image so Beogin could see it too. He looked back at me and nodded, he knew the way now. 

I looked to my left and right, the soldiers and Fenwir were already in the saddle of their battle Dragons.  The Elite Guard knew how to ride Dragons, a special part of their training, they were more commonly called "The Dragon Tamers" by the local people.  An affectionate name for the Elves who are allowed to ride the Dragons. In times of war, the enemy feared them tremendously. I recalled a time during a war where the enemy Human army shook, shuddered and screamed as The Dragon Tamers swooped down on them, incinerating them to ash and ploughing through the crowds with their talons. The riders were excellent at what they did, even though they didn't work with the Dragons regularly, both rider and Dragon had instant connections and were on the same frequency from lift off, that's what makes a true Dragon Tamer.

"Where to first, M'lady?" The Head of the Guard asked.

"To deliver some bad news to those Humans outside The Veil." The doors of the Keep swung open, Beogin galloped out the doors and leapt into the air in one graceful movement. 


"Ah Queen Feluna!" The High Lord's War Advisor opened his arms and walked towards me as I jumped down from Beogin's back.

"Be on your guard, 'Luna. I feel a strange aura from the soldiers over there, something very strange." Beogin looked at me sternly, his velvety voice filled my head. I looked over the Advisor's head and sore the soldiers too, Beogin was right, a strange aura was being emitted from them, it was a like an invisible faint red bubble surrounded them, I couldn't see the aura, I just felt it. I swear I could see glowing red eyes from under their helmets, I brushed it off, I must be paranoid, Humans don't have red eyes.

"It seems that we will be going to war,  Advisor. I will not hand over the Dragons, and I assure you, you won't even step one foot into The Veil." I frowned at the little man, I had to look down at him to meet his eyes. 

"Are you sure, Queen Feluna?" A tall, muscular, regal man stepped out from behind the soldiers. He was adorned with beautiful armor, his spaulders were shaped like wolf heads, their mouths filled with a glowing red stone. I knew this man, he was the High Lord Thirus, King of the Humans. He walked up to me, his face was littered with fine wrinkles, his hair greying in areas, mirroring his neatly trimmed, but partially grey beard.

"Positive, you will never lay a hand on my Dragons." I pursed my lips and inclined my head a little. 

"It would be a shame to kill you on the battle field." he grabbed my arms with unnatural strength, pulling me close to him, so close I could smell the foul stench of a vaguely familiar substance. His nails felt like an eagles talons as they dug into my skin even through his leather gloves, I gasped in pain, it felt like fire searing my skin. Thirus grinned madly, as if he had lost his sanity, there was a fire burning in his eyes, it was like he wanted to watch me scream in agony. I struggled against his grip, my soldiers drew their swords, Beogin roared in anger stamping his feet, steam gushed from his mouth.  

As much as my soldiers wanted to attack, they didn't want to risk it, especially with me in the line of fire. Thirus loosened his grip and I swatted his hands away, running back to Beogin, utterly shaken from the experience. My faithful Dragon lowered his head and I wrapped my arms around his muzzle, my arms ached and burned from where Thirus grabbed me, I didn't want to look at Thirus or my arms.

"My Lady!" Fenwir rushed to my side, his sword still drawn, he glared at the enemy King with such fury I thought Thirus would spontaneously catch on fire. The Human King and his minions quickly mounted their horses, he cackled as he rode away:

"We will meet here in a year's time, little Elf."

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