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1 year later

Dear Flower,

One year ago today, you left the earth giving birth to our beautiful baby girl. Looking at her everyday makes me proud of us because when we came together, we had no idea where we were headed. We just took everything head on and I'd say we did a pretty good job. We made her, after all.

I'd like to think that you're watching over us from Heaven, but if for the slightest chance you're not, our daughter has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. It's hard not to think of you every time I see her eyes sparkle. She's like you in so many ways.

It killed me at first to see someone who looked so much like you, was a part of you, but wasn't you. The first week after you died, I honestly couldn't bare to look at her. It hurt me too much and I know that's selfish and I should've been the one to take care of her on her first week on this earth but I'd be lying if I told you losing you was something I could handle.

I miss you a little too much, a little too often, and a little more everyday. I just want you here with me, helping to raise our little girl into a beautiful woman like yourself.

To tell you that you are the most beautiful and spontaneous girl I've ever laid eyes on would seem like flattery, but it's not. Besides the fact that I'm madly in love with you, it hasn't made me blind. You really are the most beautiful girl in the world and I can't thank fate enough for bringing you into my life.

You may have left the earth, but you haven't and will never leave my heart. You're always with me, I can feel it. I don't even need to go to your grave every other day to feel it because I know you're around me all the time.

You consume my every thought. Every time I make pancakes, I can just hear you reminding me to put double the amount of chocolate chips in it because that's just the way you like them.

I shouldn't really make this whole letter about my wants and needs of having you here with me. I'm not the only one who's been affected by this. All of your friends have taken it pretty hard.

Especially Jade.

She knows that she has Harry and he's helping her get better with accepting that you're gone everyday, but everything is just incomplete without you. We've all been feeling this way for a year now and I know it'll stay with us for years to come.

Candy was beyond upset as well. Since I took her in, you were her first friend besides me. She took that one to heart and was in solitude for awhile. She told me that she was going to try a new shade of blonde on you and even pierce your nose. She could've at least run that idea by me before she was set on doing it but whatever.

We're all helping each other though and I'd say we're back on our feet for the most part. It's always going to be hard for everyone that knew you, the real you. I just wish Daisy could know you like I did.

Oh yeah, her name is Daisy if you didn't know. Daisy Sawyer Malik. I thought you would've liked that name since there's meaning to it. Daisy, because it's a flower, just like you, and Sawyer, because that was the name Candy had planned on naming her baby that miscarried. I tried to think of something that you would've chosen and I hope I got it right. Your approval means everything to me.

You're the first and last thing on my mind each and every day. It's impossible not to think about someone as great and beautiful as you. I show Daisy pictures of you all the time. I only have a few though, sadly, but she gets excited each time I bring them out to showcase.

I really wish we had taken more pictures but I know you don't like taking them. You think you look awkward and weird in them but that's exactly the opposite of what everyone sees. I wish I could've made you see yourself the way I do. You're absolutely amazing and beautiful in every way, shape, and form. If you could just see yourself through my eyes...

Then you'd realize how special you are to me.

I'm serious, Flower. You make me, me and I can't thank you enough for that. Before you, I used to be pretty badass, believe it or not. I went out a little too much for my liking now and just drank and drank at clubs, not even caring where I'd wake up the next morning. That all started after my family was taken away but I'm trying my hardest not to make this letter sad so we're moving on here.

Moral of this whole thing is, I love you and please don't think I've forgotten about you. I could never. You've left your mark on me and I'd like to think I've done the same to you. Being someone's first love is great, but to be their last is absolutely perfect. True love never dies, it only gets stronger with time.

We were inevitable from the start, Flower. I love you with all my being and I can't wait to see you up there in Heaven someday. So until then, I'll be down here, thinking of you and watching over our beautiful girl, the girl you gave to me. I promise to love you forever and every single day of forever.

Love, Zayn

*AHHH so this is the official end of Little Me! What have you guys thought of it? I know the last chapter with Perrie dying and all was pretty sad and intense so I made you guys a sweet little epilogue and hopefully that'll lift your spirits a little more. Thank you all so much for reading and make sure to keep reading @lilpopo13 's stories since her story Salute was the inspiration for this story*

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