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The week following our outing to the London Eye was filled with daily dates. Monday, we went horse back riding which was a new experience for me. I was too scared to ride on a huge horse alone so I rode on the back of Zayn's horse.

"It's more romantic this way." I remember him softly saying when I wrapped my arms around his waist to hold on.

We had gotten in trouble that day because Zayn forgot to tie up the horse and it ran away. Zayn had to give them money for a new one.

The next day, Candy helped Zayn pack a basket with food and he took me out to the lake for a picnic. While we were eating, Zayn had gotten stung by a bee and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction to the sting. Only then a few moment later, I got stung too and he laughed his head off when I cursed to the heavens.

"Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it." Zayn had chuckled as he examined the sting on my arm.

"Shut up." I muttered and he laughed.

Wednesday, which is today, Zayn told me he was going to his friend Louis' house for an hour or so.

"Louis Tomlinson?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, you know him?"

I shake my head. "I know of him. He Chose my friend."

"Ellen? Is that her name?" he asks and I giggle.

"Eleanor." I correct him. "Have you met her?"

Zayn shakes his head no. "I've seen her before but we've never spoken."

If he's seen her then he can clearly judge what condition she's in. A lot of times, men hit their Sluts and I've been wondering lately if El, Jesy, Leigh, or Jade have been hit. If they have...

"How is she?" I curiously ask.

He shrugs. "Fine, I guess."

"Does she look okay? Any bruises where there shouldn't be?" I further question him.

"Nope." he casually says and I sigh in relief. "Would you like to come with me? To see her?"

I nod with pure excitement in my eyes. "Yes! More than anything."

"C'mon then." he places his hand on the small of my back and guides me to his car.

Louis' home is similar to Zayn's in size but the comparison stops there. From what I can tell, Louis is pretty messy. His yard isn't taken care of, the paint is chipping off his house, and the bird fountain is cracked in two. I can only imagine what the inside must be like.

"Don't be scared. Louis' pretty cool." Zayn tells me.

"Maybe with you but who knows how he'll act towards me." I point out.

"If he mistreats you, I'll handle him." he promises before ringing the doorbell.

A man, whom I'm assuming is Louis, opens the door. "Come on in." he smiles brightly at me and I wasn't sure what to do back. "What? You don't smile?"

"She smiles," Zayn answers for me. "A lot." he adds and gives me a small smile and a wink when Louis turns away.

"She's upstairs." Louis tells me. "First door on your left."

"Thank you." I squeak and walk up the stairs. Louis is talking to Zayn but Zayn keeps his eyes on me until I turn the corner.

I gave the door a quiet knock and after counting to ten with no answer, I lift up my fist to bang on the door with more force. At that exact moment, Eleanor opens the door and my fist accidentally punches her arm.

Little Me [Zerrie]Where stories live. Discover now