[shut up harrington]

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Omegaverse au
Steve's an omega.
Billy's an alpha.

Steve's pov-

Sitting in my last class of the day I can feel HIM kicking my seat. Stupid Billy Hargrove. He came out of no where in the middle of the school year and can't seem to stop fucking with me and my friends. He made it his job to fuck with me more than he did his actual work.

I turn around to flip him off and see that devious smirk on his face. "What do you want hargrove." Clenching his jaw he sat up in his seat and spit on the school floor "For you to stop being such a stuck up alpha." He says and I roll my eyes. It's obviously not me being the stuck up one here. "Then stop being so annoying idiot." I say and turn around in my seat. He's such an idiot he can't even figure out I'm an omega. Well nobody can really. I use scent blockers everyday.

The bell rings and I get up quickly trying to gather my things before Billy can get his.
Shoving my books into my bag and the crumpled up homework I race out of the door, running to my locker I grab my next period books only to be shoved against a locker. "You got a smart mouth King Harrington." I hear that all too familiar voice say. And I groaned. "Why can't you just fuck OFF hargrove. What did I ever do to you huh?" I ask and he shoots me an amused smirk. "Listen pretty boy. You just piss me off." Getting off the ground I shove past him and head to my next class, and thank the gods that he isn't in it.

Sitting at my desk I wait for my short haired friend Robin. She was one of the only people who knew I was an omega, her and the kids I babysit all knew but that was it. The only people I trusted to know. Being a male omega wasn't the best thing. Female omegas were praised and loves while the males were just trash and considered sluts.

"Hey dingus" I hear my best friend say from behind me and I jump "Don't do that Robin! You know I scare easily!" I whine out and glared at her. "Calm down puppy, it's not my fault you didn't see me come in" She shrugs and I roll my eyes at her. "So how's it going with your stalker" She asks "Today he pushed me into my fucking locker and then told me that I just "piss him off" what kind of excuse is that for being such a dick" I rambled on for another 10 seconds and she giggles. "What?" I say and she just shrugs her shoulders giving me a smug look " Nothing you just sure do love talking about him" I flick her forehead and start drawing on my English notebook. "Sounds like someone has a crush" she says and i kick her shin under the table "I would NEVER In a million years." I groan out and she continues laughing at me. "Listen whenever I find my mate I'm out of here. I never have to deal with his dumbass again." I say and she nods "alright but you have to admit he is one fine piece of ass" I roll my eyes once again and ignore her comment. He might be attractive but his personality is shit.

Time skip to lunch.

Sitting down I notice the bunch of kids that I babysit walk into the lunchroom. I know for a fact that this isn't their lunch so why are they here. "STEVE!" Dustin yells and everyone looks up from what they're doing at me. "Not now Dustin, and don't you need to be in class right now?" He looks at me urgently and runs over to whisper in my ear. " Max accidentally let it slip to Billy that you are yknow... and omega" I look over and see her looking down in shame.

I don't blame her but God damn it Max. Getting up I rush the kids and Robin who had only just arrived into the hallway. "Max I'm not mad but What. The. FUCK."  Keeping her eyes down to avoid eye contact she whispers out "I didn't mean too I was just trying to tell him to leave you alone and he made me mad so I told him that he didn't need to fuck with an omega who couldn't fight back..." Biting the inside of my lip I hug her and tell her it's okay before rushing to find Billy. If he let's this out. He's dead.

I couldn't find him in the lunchroom or the library the only place I can check now is the bathroom and I'm hoping to the gods he isn't there. Somewhere he could beat my brains in if he wanted to. Going to the closest bathroom there is I open the door and instantly smell cigarettes and pine. Billy. "Hargrove where the FUCK are you." I go kicking the stalls open. I get to the last one and it's locked. "Open up fuckface. We need to talk."

I could hear his boots walking to the door of the stall before it opened and there he stood. Billy fucking hargrove."So what a little omega like you doing trying to get to me." He says with that amused smirk he always has plastered on his stupid face.
"YOU. can never TELL ANY FUCKING BODY about that okay!" I scream pushing him into the stall. "If anyone finds out I'm coming straight to beat the living snot out of you." I poke at his chest. "Shut up harrington" He says and I glare at him. "You don't have any RIGHT to tell me to shut up. I'll be ruined if it gets out. Thrown to the side like my parents did. You don't understand Billy you don't have to deal with hiding it!" I spit out at him. "Shut UP harrington." He says once again. "If you want me to shut up then fucking make me because for all I know you're going to tell the whole fucki-" I felt his lips on mine and I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. Pushing him off of me I yell "what the fuck Billy!?" He pulls me by my waist close to his body. God his hot fucking body. "Take off your scent blockers. Now." He says and I stand there not doing anything. "What do you want billy?" I say and he looks me straight in the eyes. "You harrington. You're an omega and God is that perfect. Ever since the first day I walked into those school doors you caught my eye." He says in a desperate voice. "You don't know how hard it was finding out you were an alpha like me. Not even a fucking beta and now... hah now you're an omega." He says in a breathy tone. What the hell is happening. "Billy you can't just-" "Please harrington just this once.. I need it. Before you find your mate." He says stuffing his face into my neck. God Billy Hargrove this desperate.. for me? I could get used to this I think before biting my lip hard. "Let me think about it, one day okay I'll give you the answer tomorrow."

He nods anxiously and sucks small marks on my neck before I can pry him off of me. "No more fucking with me or my friends though okay?" I say and he agrees before I leave.

What the hell.

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