[You're alive!]

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Vampire Eddie(top)
Human Steve(bottom)

Steve's pov-

I wake up and shuffle in my sleep. My nightmares had gotten worse since Eddie died. I wasn't there to help him. I wasn't there to save him. A tear drops down my cheek as I get up and look at the time. 2am. I make my way down to the kitchen and get myself a glass of cold water.
It's been like this every night. I get maybe 1 hour of sleep before I see his face. His pleading cries running through my ears. I never got to tell him how much he meant to me. I hug the vest he always used to wear and slide down the wall. I let my head fall on the arche of my knees and I can feel the tears pour out of my eyes. I let out a shaky breath and decide to go on a walk. I can't keep doing this, I tell myself and I chew at the inside of my cheek.

Putting on a t-shirt and his vest I get up and go outside. Walking around in the woods. It smells like cedar trees and burning wood. I walk to the edge of the upside downs canyon and sit. The burning smell was the only thing what reminded me of him. The only scent I could find that matched his and I loved to be near it. Taking a whiff of the addicting scent I hear something. A deer, but it sounds like it's I'm distress. Screaming and making the most absurd noises.

I get up quickly and make my way to the noise, I find it. Not even 10 minutes from where i had been, a deer carcass lay dead. It's body was shriveled and as I touch it there's no heat. That's weird even if it's dead, it had to have just died. A cracking noise comes from behind me and i turn as quickly as I could. Nothing. Something was stalking me and I had nothing to protect myself. I lay out the options I had in this situation and decide that running was the only possible way I might make it out alive. If it's something from the upside down I'm screwed. Though there was no sign of the upside down near that deer.

I stand up from where I was crouched and look around once again before I make a break for it. Running through the trees and stepping on all the leaves, I knew I was making too much noise but if I could get home before whatever was out there got me, I'd be somewhat safe. As I near my Cabin I trip on the stub of a tree and groan loudly. That's not good for my case. I try getting up but just as I sit myself up against the stub I get pinned down and onto the ground. Closing my eyes tightly I knew what was coming. It was only a matter of time before I met my end and that was now. Im okay with that though. "STEVE!" I hear the creature yell out and I open my eyes.

"EDDIE!!" I say hugging him brutally tight. "You're.. You're alive?" I get out of my trembling mouth. The tears rush down my face like they had a place they needed to go and he continues to hug me. "I wouldn't say alive but I'm here." I furrow my brows in confusion and quit hugging him. "What do you mean Eds?" I ask and his face goes cold. "Well when I woke up I was still in the upside down. I don't know how long It had been but I wondered around for a while. I didn't know where to go. The gates we came through had been closed. 3 days ago I came across this giant gate. I followed it out of curiosity and it goes all throughout hawkins." He says and I nod. We already knew about the gate. It was more like a canyon to everyone who didn't know what it was and everyone stayed clear of it. "When I climbed through the gate I saw a rabbit and I don't know. Something clicked in me. I ate it." A look if disgust crosses my face and his changes to worry "Well its more like sucking its blood out, they change when I do it though. Every animal has come back to life after just... different" I giggle at my thoughts and let out a snort as I tell him " So you're a vampire now" He rolls his eyes at me "basically."

I take him to my Cabin, hand in hand. As we arrive he squints his eyes. "Aren't your lights a little bright?" He asks and I grin. He's only playing into the vampire thing more and I love it.
"You take vampires to your house often? What if I bite you huh?" He asks and my body shudders at the thought of him biting into my neck, his hands traveling down my body- Anyways. "Surprisingly you're the first Vampire Mister Munson." I say and he smiles knowing already that he was. We go inside and sit down on my couch. I turn down the lighting so it's not so harsh on him and his eyes adjust. Thinking to myself I decide to tell him how I feel about him. I can't lose him again without him knowing. I take a deep breath and grab ahold of both his hands. "There's something I have to tell you Eddie." I say my heart racing.
"What is it Stevie?" He asks and looks me in the eyes and it's like he's staring through me. "I'm in love with you Eddie."

(So this one's kin of short BUTT that's because the smutt is going to be epic)

Steddie/harringrove one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now