Chapter Two: Love

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    Two months passed and the war started. Dorieos and I would write letters back and forth to each other, checking in on each other, and seeing how the war was going. "Someone's in love," Azalena and Melome kept saying every time I would send out another letter to Dorieos. "I am not. I just turned fifteen. Love is the last thing on my mind," I said. "Sure," Azalena said, snickering with Melome. "What do you know about love anyway? You two are only three," I said. "We've heard stories," Melome said. "About love. What it feels like," Azalena said. "How you want to be around that person all the time," Melome said. "And how for every minute you're not around them, it's like the world is falling apart around you," Azalena said. "And the only thing that could stop the world from falling apart is being in that person you love's arms," Melome said, batting her eyelashes. I blushed, thinking about Dorieos holding me, protecting me from the badness and scariness of this world. "See, you are in love. You're blushing," Melome said. "Shut up," I said. Melome and Azalena started chuckling. "Just get out of my room," I said. Melome and Azalena swam out of my room, laughing. I went to my mum one day. "Hey, mum?" I said. "Yes, Pallesea?" Mum said. "Um, can I talk to you about something?" I said. Mum turned around and looked at me. "Uh oh. This sounds serious," She said. "What do you mean?" I said. "Your tone of voice. You sound anxious. What's going on?" Mum said. "Oh. Uh. It's nothing. Just sit down," I said. My mum swam over and sat down in her chair and I sat down in mine. We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I sighed. "When and how did you know you were in love with dad?" I said. Mum frowned. "You know we don't talk about him," She said. "I know. But can you just answer the question?" I said. Mum stood up. "I was young and stupid. It was a mistake to fall in love with him. He betrayed this family. Now if that is really what you wanted to talk about then you made a mistake coming to me. I'm not going to tell you anything," Mum said. "Mum, please. I just need your advice," I said. "NO! I WILL NOT SPEAK OF HIM! EVER!" Mum yelled. "But, mum. I think I might be in love. I just need to know so I could be certain," I said. Mum looked at me. "In love? With who?" Mum said. "With...Dorieos," I said. "Dorieos? Really?" Mum said. "I don't know. I think. But that's why I need your advice. So I know if I am in love with him or not," I said. Mum sighed and sat back down. "How I knew or at least thought I knew, that I was in love with your father was when every time he wasn't around I would constantly think and worry about him. Worrying about if he was safe. Worrying about if he was in any danger. One of the only things that were on my mind whenever he wasn't around was being in his arms again," Mum said. "My god. That is how I am with Dorieos," I said. "Well, you're young. You have time. Don't rush into a relationship like I did. You know how that turned out," Mum said. "Yeah, ok," I said. "And do me a favour? Never ask about your father ever again," Mum said. "Yeah, alright," I said.

    Four days passed. I hadn't received a letter from Dorieos in those four days. I started to worry. What if he got killed? What if he's being held prisoner? "I have to find him," I said. "Find who?" Morgarian asked. "Oh. No one. I'm playing hide and seek with...the twins," I said. "Oh. Ok. Well good luck finding them," Morgarian said. "Yeah, thanks," I said. I quickly swam to my room and started packing a suitcase. I heard the door open. I quickly threw my blanket over the suitcase. "Hey, Evisise. What's up?" I said. Evisise looked at me. "Mum just wanted me to check on you. These past four days you've seemed lost in thought," She said. "I'm just...worried...about the war," I said. "You know we're winning right? Have you even been paying attention to the news?" Evisise said. "Oh...yeah. But will we continue to win?" I said. "I'm confident we will. We're sirens remember?" Evisise said. "Yeah, I know. But you know how the mermaids' leader is. He'll do anything to get his way," I said. "I know. But just trust that Dorieos knows what he's doing. Don't you trust Dorieos?" Evisise said. I looked at her, anger in my eyes. "Of course I trust Dorieos. I trust him with my life," I said. "Good. Then just have faith that he will get our military through this war," Evisise said. She swam out of my room and closed the door. I quickly swam to the door and locked it. I swam back to my bed and took the blanket off the suitcase and continued to pack it. Once I finished packing the suitcase I closed it and snuck out through my window. "I just hope I can get there in time," I said. I swam in the direction of where the last battle was. Days passed and I arrived at the battlefield. It was empty and destroyed. I stood there in shock. "ATTACK!!" I heard a voice say. I couldn't move. "PRINCESS PALLESEA!! LOOK OUT!!" I heard a familiar voice say. I was suddenly pushed to the ground and a ton of harpoons started flying back and forth. I felt someone grab my arm and start dragging me away from the battlefield. "What are you doing here Princess Pallesea?" The voice said. I was in shock. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. "Princess Pallesea?" The voice said. I shook my head and looked around. "Dorieos?" I said. "Yeah?" Dorieos said. I sighed a breath of relief. "Thank god you're alive," I said. "What do you mean?" Dorieos said. "I haven't received a letter from you in four days. I thought you got injured. Or killed," I said. Dorieos looked confused. "I've been sending you letters. I don't know why you haven't been getting them," He said. " I know why," A voice said. I turned around and saw a mermaid slowly swimming toward us. Dorieos stared at the mermaid, anger in his eyes. "King Kailani had us take the letters before they could get to the princess," The mermaid said. "But why?" I said. Another mermaid swam beside the other mermaid. The mermaid chuckled. "King Kailani knew you would come searching for the leader of your military. He was expecting it," He said. "Now, we can take you prisoner and never let you go!" The other mermaid said, grabbing my arm. "Hey! Let go of me!" I said, trying to pull myself out of the mermaid's grasp. The other mermaid grabbed my other arm and they quickly dragged me away. "DORIEOS!! HELP!!" I yelled. "PRINCESS PALLESEA!!" I heard Dorieos yell after me. I was so scared that I passed out.

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