X - Emergency

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Never had I crossed the streets without cursing the sun. And never had I felt it warming the bruises on my skin almost like kisses curing them. It reminds me of the reason why I'd still get home late if it mean to receive them first.

There's more and more teenagers around, the closer to the school I get, and the funny part is how I'm noticing that only now. I couldn't care less if there were people near, because I knew they would be the ones to notice me and spare me any job. They still do, but this time I see them.

My head is high for my eyes to dart all across them, and I can't help but notice strange smiles remaining in two or three faces even after their gazes meet mine. I don't repay them, though, getting confused at this point for did this town changed that much since yesterday. I suddenly come to an internal jolt and eye the ground again. Do they know? But why would they be smiling if they did?

I make the last turn and rock my skateboard one last time until the poor front yard of the school, a bit nervous. Though I don't seem to make that much of a difference. There's a considerable crowd watching as another group closes the doors of the black car they parked right there in front as if this is all theirs. Although I'm not surprised when I see who it is.

Of course they have to catch all the attentions with their pretty faces and hairs and football jackets in order to spend the days properly. As always, Tomlinson and Styles stand the more confident, pretending they don't see anyone but deep down not being able to survive without all the attention. The blond and the swarthy quiff ones are still rounding the car already amazed by what they see, only to have Zayn behind them busier with lighting a cigarette.

"Good luck for the game today!" My eyes follow the hesitant wish, easily landing next to Styles, to three cheer leaders. He turns his head to the one who talked and whatever he does makes her wide her eyes and all her blood rise to her face. Once he quickly walks away together with his mates, she extends her arms to her friends to catch her before she passes away.

As I'm about to chuckle at them, both that and my vision are blocked. I focus my gaze and immediately frown my face as I meet Tomlinson's now. He stands still looking at me in the most despised way I had ever seen on him. Poor boy is unhappy that his fans attended another concert that was not his and fears they might like this one better.

Atop my skateboard, I fix a challenging gaze on him myself, wanting to see what is he going to do. He looks like all he wants is to beat me onto the ground and I'd like to see him try. But he doesn't have a chance; Styles notices he's not following and returns to nudge his arm softly and bring him back to Earth. When Tomlinson looks at him instinctively, their eye contact is only broken as Styles turns to see what he was looking at.

Easily finding me, of course, his expression is neutral, although he purses his lips into his mouth and quickly turns away, both meeting the others entering the building. I keep narrowed eyes on them. What are they up to? Styles clearly has his mind on something, but was this Tomlinson's reaction something to do with it? How much is know that my band did a first show this weekend, and how is it affecting others?

I could remain here, supposing things or waiting for someone to congratulate me on the show or anything, but that quickly turns into nothing more than a faint steam in my head as my eyes catch the most beautiful red ginger hair, stealing the bright of the sun all for itself although a shadow protects them from it at the same time.

I smile unconsciously as Caroline also turns her head, sensing me, and smirks at my sight. Leaning back on the wire net fence keeping the school grounds, she shifts her weight to the other hip, watching as I make my skateboard take me to her in a smooth move.

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