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Dear best friend, partner, companion;

When we first started to date, we made a promise to not say 'I love you' until we saw one another in person the next time but that promise did not last long.

I didn't want to say those special words to you at first because I was afraid that if I said them, that there would be no meaning behind them but I couldn't have been more wrong.

The first time we said those words either by accident or on purpose, tears steamed down my face as I choked out those words in response. I have never felt so many emotions from three simple words that were no longer simple. You somehow turned three words into something I thought I would never hear nor feel. I felt the true and raw emotion called love and I couldn't have picked a better person to hear those words come from.

Since hearing those words and feeling that strange new emotion, I've become addicted and never wanted to stop feeling or saying how much I loved you. I knew I finally found my home when I heard those words fall from your lips given by your heart.

I love everything about you dear and I never want to let this go for you are my drug and I am your addict.

~Forever yours, Avery Fawkes

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