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Dear best friend, partner, companion;

We often make jokes that our parents never wanted us, that we were mistakes and burdens to them but, I don't see you as a mistake and I never will. I see you as the best thing alive. You were made and born for a purpose, you are alive still because you have a long and a fulfilled ahead of you and you've chosen to spend it with me.

You are someone I look up to, the reason I live today, the reason why I continue to make a living for myself no matter how slow it may take. You are the reason why I try to make myself a better person. You are the person I want to be like when I grow up even though I'm already 20. You are my role model, my hero, my heart and sole, my best friend, my partner, my one and only, the inspiration I have to work my hobbies and to learn new ones. You are my motivation, my reason to get out of bed, to fight whatever problem I'm dealing with on my bad days, you are the reason I laugh, why I smile, why I can look at my body and not feel ashamed. I can live life now because you are my cheerleader, my teacher, my leader, you are everything to me.

You are my world. 

~Forever yours, Avery Fawkes

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